1.         Name – The name of the organization shall be United States of America Wrestling Association – Kansas, Inc. Kids Division.  In addition, the organization may conduct its affairs under such trade name(s) as may be approved by its Executive Council, including but not limited to the name USAWA-Kansas Kids.

2.         Address – The principal office of the organization in the state of Kansas shall be located at the current Executive Director's address.

3.         Fiscal Year – The fiscal year of the organization shall begin on the first (1st) day of September in each year.


The objectives of USAWA-Kansas Kids shall be:

1.         To create opportunities in wrestling for competitors in the 16 and under age groups along with their coaches and teachers, and to encourage their continued participation in the sport as they advance beyond this level.

2.         To place control and direction of the USAW-Kansas wrestling program in the hands of those who are working in the program.

3.         To help develop responsible wrestling administrators from the ranks of the USAW-Kansas wrestling programs on the local, state and national levels who will provide responsible leadership and direction to their membership.

4.         To develop an attitude of sincere concern among all USAWA-Kansas wrestling coaches towards the improvement of all levels and aspects of wrestling from elementary through Olympic levels of competition.

5.         To provide channels of communication within Kansas and between the various states, furthering the exchange of ideas and experience, both favorable and unfavorable, so USAW-Kansas wrestling programs in any area can learn from, profit from, and expand upon the efforts of such programs in all other areas.

6.         To assist in developing strong and enthusiastic USAW-Kansas wrestling programs throughout Kansas, and to assist in those activities which can best be developed on a statewide basis.

7.         To develop an attitude of unity within the state of Kansas toward program development and achievement and to increase the positive attitudes of educators, wrestlers and the general public toward the art of science of wrestling.

8.         To provide channels for democratic representation in the various national organizations and national activities which involve the wrestlers and coaches of this age group.

9.         To establish general patterns of organization and objectives within the state of Kansas, providing continuity of effort as wrestlers and coaches step forward into more advanced phases of wrestling and in turn are succeeded by newcomers to the USAWA-Kansas program.

10.     To provide a statewide newsletter and other centrally produced publications of benefit to USAW-Kansas programs in all areas.


1.         Chartered Clubs – USAWA-Kansas Kids shall include Kansas clubs, known as chartered clubs sanctioned by USA Wrestling, which meet the prescribed requirements as follows:

a.            A chartered club in USAWA-Kansas Kids must be open to all persons active in the advancement of Kansas wrestling and willing to accept the objectives outlined in this constitution.

b.           A club may become chartered by filing an application and paying the annual fee, if any, to USAW-Kansas, Inc.

2.         Voting Members

a.            Each chartered club whose charter was issued by USAW-Kansas, Inc. during the previous fiscal year (September 1 - August 31) and whose USAWA-Kansas Kids dues, if any, were paid for that year is a voting member.

b.           Each voting member shall have only one vote.

3.         Individual Members Within Chartered Clubs – Individuals in good standing may obtain a membership card by paying the annual fee set by and payable to United States of America Wrestling Association-Kansas, Inc. (USAW-Kansas).  Membership categories are:

a.            Competitor – A wrestler who is on the roster of a current chartered club.  The club shall confirm, through a birth certificate or similarly reliable means, the wrestler's date of birth prior to adding the wrestler to its roster.

b.           Coach

c.            Official

d.           General Member

4.         State Body – The term State Body shall refer to the voting members and the individuals they represent.


1.         Officers – The officers of the organization shall be a State Kids Executive Director; an Assistant Executive Director; a Treasurer; a Parliamentarian; an At-Large Representative; a State Competition Director; and a National Competition Director; each of whom shall be elected by the State Body voting representatives.  Also, a second At-Large Representative shall be appointed by the Executive Council.  The Council may also appoint such other officers and assistant officers as may be deemed necessary.

2.         Election and Term of Office – The officers of the organization are to be elected by the voting representatives of the State Body at their annual meeting.  Each officer shall hold office until his/her successor shall have been duly elected.

3.         Removal – Any officer or agent elected or appointed by the State Body or the Executive Council may be removed by the Executive Council Members whenever, in their judgment, the best interests of the organization would be thereby benefited.

4.         Vacancies – A vacancy in any office shall be filled by the Executive Council for the unexpired portion of the term.

5.         Kids Executive Director – The Executive Director shall be the principal executive officer of the organization and subject to the control of the Executive Council.  He/she shall, in general, supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the organization.  He/she shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the State Body and of the Executive Council.  He/she may sign instruments which the Executive Council have authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Executed Council, or by this constitution to some other officer or agent of the organization, or shall be required by law to be otherwise signed or executed; and in general, shall perform all duties incident to the office of the Executive Director and such duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Council from time to time.

6.         Assistant Executive Director – In the absence of the Executive Director, or in the event of his/her death, inability or refusal to act, the Assistant Executive Director shall perform the duties of the Executive Director, and when so acting, shall be all the power of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the Executive Director.  The Assistant Executive Director shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the Executive Director, or by the Executive Council.

7.         Secretary – The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the State Body and of the Executive Council meetings in one or more books provided for that purpose, see that all notices are duly given in accordance with organization records, and keep a register of the Post Office address of each voting representative and associated representative of each chartered club which shall be furnished to the Secretary by each such representative, and in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the State Executive Director or the Executive Council.  The Secretary shall be appointed by the Executive Director and approved by the Executive Council.  The Secretary shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Council.

8.         Treasurer – If required by the Executive Council, the Treasurer shall give a bond for the faithful discharge of his/her duties in such sum and with such surety or guaranties as the Executive Council shall determine.  He/she shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the organization; receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the organization from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such monies in the name of the organization in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected in accordance with this constitution and in general, perform all of the duties incident to the office of the Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Executive Director or by the Executive Council and approved by the State Body.

9.         Parliamentarian – The Parliamentarian shall review all text revisions of all documents of the organization or perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Executive Director or by the Executive Council.  He/she shall have available a copy of the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order at all meetings.

a.            Election:  The Parliamentarian shall be nominated by the Executive Council and approved by the State Body.

b.           Powers:  The Parliamentarian will interpret this constitution and associated rules, and render a decision whenever there is a question regarding the contents of this document.  Any interpretation may be overturned by a total two-thirds voting membership of the Executive Council.  This office is a non-voting member of the Executive Council.

10.     At-Large Representatives – There shall be two At-Large Representatives, one elected by the State Body, and a second representative appointed by the Executive Council.  They shall act as directed by the Executive Council or the State Body.

11.     State Folkstyle Tournament Director – Shall be appointed by the Executive Council.

12.     National Competition Director – Shall be nominated by the Executive Council and approved by the State Body.  The National Competition Director shall have the responsibility of setting up the summer camps and the Kansas Kids National Events, particularly relating to Freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling.

13.     State Competition Director – Shall be nominated by the Executive Council and approved by the State Body.  He/she shall have the responsibility of state competition, particularly relating to folkstyle wrestling.

14.     Kids Official Representative – Appointed by the Executive Council.  His/her responsibility shall be to represent all Kansas folkstyle wrestling officials.


1.         Annual Meeting – The annual meeting of members (the State Body meeting) shall be held within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year, beginning in the year 1985, for the purpose of electing executive officers and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting.  The meeting will be conducted under the rules published in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

2.         Special Meetings – Special meetings of the members, for any purpose(s), unless otherwise prescribed by statute, may be called by the Executive Director, or by the Executive Council, or shall be called by the Executive Director at the requests of the members of not less than a quorum required of the organization.

3.         Place of Meeting – The Executive Council may designate any place, either within or without the state unless otherwise prescribed by statute, as the place of meeting for any annual meeting or for any special meeting.

4.         Notice of Meeting – Written notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting, and in case of a special meeting, the purpose(s) for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than twenty (20) days before the date of the meeting, by mail to current addresses on record.

5.         Quorum – At any meeting of the members, a quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of voting representatives from five (5) or more chartered clubs from each of the four (4) districts with a minimum of forty (40) chartered clubs.

6.         Proxies – Voting by proxy will not be allowed.

7.         Order of Business – The order of business at all meetings of the members, shall be as follows:

a.            Roll Call

b.           Proof of Notice of Meeting, or Waiver of Notice

c.            Reading of minutes of preceding meeting

d.           Reports of officers

e.            Reports of committees

f.             Election of Executive Council

g.            Unfinished business

h.            New business

All officers giving reports will provide a typed or neatly hand-written copy of their report to the Secretary prior to giving the report to the state body.


1.         General Powers – The Executive Council shall have general supervision of the affairs of the State Body between its business meetings, fix the hour and place of the meetings, make recommendations to the State Body, and shall perform such other duties as are specified in this constitution.  The Executive Council shall, in all cases, act as a board and they may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of their meetings and the management of the organization as they deem proper to carry out the objective of the organization.  The Executive Council shall be subject to the orders of the State Body and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the State Body, the constitution, and/or the laws of this state.

2.         Number and Selection Procedure

a.            The state shall be divided into four (4) geographical districts as determined by the Executive Council.  The chartered clubs within each District shall elect, from its member chartered clubs, the following State Directors: a District State Director, two (2) assistant District State Directors and one District Freestyle Representative from each district to serve on the Executive Council as Directors.  The Executive Council may allow, through a majority vote of the Council, any District(s) to add one (1) additional District Freestyle Representative.

b.           Each district shall be required to hold a minimum of one (1) annual meeting per year, and a copy of the minutes of that meeting shall be sent to the Executive Director by December 1st of that fiscal year.  Annual elections will be held at each District meeting for determining the State Directors to represent their District.  Each District will provide the names of their elected State Directors at the annual meeting of the organization.

3.         Meetings – Meetings of the Executive Council may be called at the discretion of the Executive Director, or by the Executive Director at the request of any four (4) members of the Executive Council, representing at least three (3) Districts.  The members requesting a meeting of the Executive Council may fix the place and time of any meeting called by them.

4.         Members – The Members of the Executive Council shall include the State Directors elected from each district, and all of the officers elected or appointed under Article IV.

5.         Notice – Notice of any meeting shall be given at least five (5) days previously thereto by written notice to each Member at the address shown on the records of the secretary of the organization.

6.         Quorum – At any meeting of the Executive Council, six (6) Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  The six (6) Members shall be composed of no less than two (2) officers and one (1) Director from each District; however, if there is not a Director from each District and there are more than four (4) Directors present, the ranking officers may delegate a Director present to represent the unrepresented District.

7.         Manner of Acting – The act of the majority of the voting Members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Executive Council.  All Members are voting Members unless otherwise indicated.

8.         Vacancies – A vacancy on the Executive Council will be filled by a vote of a majority of the voting Members then in office, although less than a quorum may exist.  A Member so elected to hold office for the unexpired term of his/her predecessor shall be from the same District.

9.         Removal of Directors – Any or all of the Members may be removed for cause by vote of the State Body, or by action of the Executive Council.

10.     Compensation – No compensation shall be paid to the Members, as such, for their services, but by resolution of the board, expenses for actual attendance at each regular or special meeting of the Executive Council may be authorized.

11.     Executive and Other Committees – The Executive Council, by resolution, may designate from among its Members an Executive Committee and other committees, each consisting of at least one (1) Director from each District.  Each such committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Council.

12.     Contracts, Loans, Checks and Deposits

a.            Contracts – The Executive Council may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the organization, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.

b.           Loans – No loans shall be contracted on behalf of the organization and no evidence of indebtedness shall be issued in its name unless authorized by a resolution of the Executive Council.  Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.

c.            Checks, Drafts, etc. – All checks, drafts or other orders for payment or money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the organization shall be signed by such officer, officers, or agents of the organization and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Executive Council.

d.           Deposits – All funds of the organization not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to credit of the organization in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Executive Council may select.


1.         Committee on Discipline – The Executive Council shall act in all cases, unless otherwise prescribed by statue of this constitution or upon action by the State Body, as the Committee on Discipline.  Its powers and duties are defined in Section II (Discipline) Rule 5 of this Constitution.

2.         Rules Committee

a.            The Rules Committee shall only consider those rules which directly impact the actions of the mat official during competition.

b.           The Rules Committee shall consist of the Kids Official Representative, the Kids Executive Director and Assistant Executive Director, one District Representative elected from each district, and the Parliamentarian.

c.            The Rules Committee shall meet prior to August 31, with the Kids Official Representative providing at least fourteen (14) days advanced written notice of the place, day and hour of the meeting.

d.           All recommendations from the Rules Committee must have the support of at least four (4) members of the committee.

e.            In addition to their other duties, the District Representatives will be responsible for providing the Kids Official Representative with assistance in certifying officials for USAWA-Kansas Kids.  In this regard, they will be operating as agents of the Kids Official Representative, and will comply with his/her guidelines.

3.         Other Committees – Such other committees, standing or special, shall be appointed by the Kids Executive Director, the Executive Council, or the State Body from time to time as deemed necessary to carry on the work of the organization.  The Kids Executive Director shall be ex officio member of all committees.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws and the Constitution of the organization, and any special rules of order the organization may adopt.


1.         These By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed and a set of new By-Laws may be adopted at any annual State Body meeting, or at any special State Body meeting when the proposed amendment has been sent out in the notice of such meeting, on a two-thirds vote of the voting members, provided that at least fifty-five percent (55%) of all voting representatives of the state are present.

2.         All proposed amendments of these By-Laws must be presented to the Executive Director, in writing, by certified mail post dated no later than July 31.  The Executive Director must send a copy of the proposed amendment to each member of the Executive Council post dated no later than August 31.  The Executive Council will review the proposed amendment and make recommendation to the State Body at the next annual meeting.




1.      Official Ejection

a.            Anyone officially ejected from a tournament must leave the building, and will not be allowed to participate in and/or attend any other sanctioned tournaments.  This sanction shall be effective for:

·        1st occurrence – Eight (8) days

·        2nd occurrence – Twenty-four (24) days

·        3rd occurrence – One (1) calendar year from date of ejection

b.           The ejected person’s name will be placed on the Kansas Wrestling website (  In the event the ejected person is a minor, only his/her age division, weight class and club affiliation will be posted on the website.

2.      Cause – Cause of additional disciplinary proceedings and/or disciplinary actions can result from one or any combination of, but limited to any of the following violations:

a.            Any action that tends to injure the good name of, disturb the well being of, or hamper the work of; USA Wrestling, USAW-Kansas or its divisions, chartered club, competitive member, affiliate member, official, coach, table worker, or spectator.

b.           Flagrant and/or repeated destruction of personal and/or public property.

c.            Falsification of documents regarding wrestling.

d.           Disciplinary suspension and/or expulsion from a chartered club.

e.            Disqualification from a tournament as a result of flagrant brutality.

f.             Abusive language or unsportsmanlike conduct by a contestant, spectator, coach, table worker, or official.

3.      Who – Disciplinary proceedings and/or disciplinary action can be imposed upon one or any combination of, but not limited to, any of the following violators:  member of Executive Council, State Officer, State Committee member, chartered club, competitive member, official, coach, or spectator.

4.      Action – Disciplinary actions can include one or any combination of, but not limited to, one of the following: reprimand, fine, probation, suspension, or expulsion.

5.      Committee on Discipline

a.            The Executive Council shall act in all cases, unless otherwise prescribed by statute of this constitution or upon action by the State Body, as the Committee on Discipline. 

b.           Its prescribed duties are to be alert to disciplinary problems, to investigate them, to introduce all necessary resolutions to the State Body, and in the event of a trial, manage the case for the State Body.

c.            The Committee on Discipline does have the power to exonerate the accused if the investigation and/or trial finds the accused innocent of any wrongdoing.

d.           The Committee on Discipline shall not have the power to impose a penalty except in the case of a violation as defined in Rule 2 of this Section on Discipline.

e.            In case of a violation listed under, but limited to, Rule 2 of this Section on Discipline, the Committee on Discipline hereby empowers club coaches, club officers, tournament directors, sub-district officers, district officers and appointed representatives to act on its behalf to impose disciplinary proceedings and/or disciplinary action when necessary.  A written notice of complaint must be provided to the empowered representative prior to the consideration of disciplinary action.

1)      Necessary is defined as responding to violations that occur at wrestling events that would otherwise be referred to the Committee on Discipline.

2)      Events shall include, but not limited to, practices, tournaments, meetings, etc.

f.             Rights of Appeal – Any party involved in a disciplinary action under Rule 5, paragraph E has the right of appeal.  The appeal sequence as stated in paragraph G shall govern.

g.            Appeal Sequence

1)      Club Coach

2)      Club Committee on Discipline

3)      Tournament Committee on Discipline

4)      Sub-District Committee on Discipline

5)      District Committee on Discipline

6)      Committee on Discipline

7)      State Body

6.      Disciplinary Procedure

a.            Notice of Complaint – If the Appeal Sequence reaches Stage 6, or if the complaint is heard directly by the Committee on Discipline without prior appeals, the following procedures will be followed.

1)            A written Notice of Complaint for disciplinary action shall be mailed to each member of the Committee on Discipline.  This document shall contain, in detail, the necessary cause for disciplinary action.

2)            A $100 deposit made payable to USAWA-Kansas Kids shall accompany the Notice of Complaint.  This deposit shall be refunded if the accused party is found not guilty of a violation defined in Rule 2 of this Article.

3)            The Committee on Discipline shall act on the complaint for disciplinary action at their next meeting or at a special meeting called for the purpose of dealing with this matter.

b.           The Committee on Discipline shall conduct an investigation to gather all facts necessary to make a just and proper decision.  The Committee on Discipline has the right to select and appoint from its own members an investigation committee.

c.            The investigation committee shall then present its findings to the Committee on Discipline.  If, after the investigation, the Committee on Discipline's opinion is favorable to the accused, it will prepare a resolution exonerating the accused.  But, if the committee, from the reports of the investigation finds substance to the allegations and cannot resolve the matter satisfactorily in any other way, it shall set a trial date and time.

d.           If the Committee on discipline adopts a resolution ordering a trial before the State Body or itself, the Secretary shall immediately send to the accused, by certified mail, a letter notifying him of the date, hour, and place of the trial.  The letter shall also include the charges that are being directed against the accused.

e.            Trial Procedure

1)            The Chair shall call the meeting to order.

2)            The Secretary shall read the charge and specifications.

3)            The Chair shall ask the accused how he/she pleads to each specification and then the charge.

4)            If the accused pleads guilty, then the trial is ended.

5)            If the accused pleads not guilty, then the trial proceeds on.  First the Committee on Discipline will present its facts and witnesses.  Second, the accused will present its facts and witnesses.  Third, there will be a time for rebuttal which includes cross-examinations, re-direct examination, and re-cross examination.

6)            After the rebuttal and/or closing arguments have been made, the accused will be asked to leave the room.  The Chair asks the committee if the accused is guilty of each specification and then the charge or charges.  (Each specification and charge is open to debate and voted on separately).  If the accused is found guilty, then the committee must decide on the penalty.  For expulsion, a two-thirds vote is required.

f.             After the trial the Committee on Discipline shall submit to the State Body its recommendations or punishment at the State Body's next meeting.  At this time the accused is allowed to make a statement followed by a statement from the Committee on Discipline.  The accused is asked to leave the room and the State Body will make a final decision upon the resolution submitted by the Committee on Discipline.  The State Body can decline to impose any penalty, reduce the recommended penalty, but cannot increase the penalty.  The State Body cannot impose a penalty if the trial committee has found the accused innocent.  Then the accused will be advised of the final decision.

7.      Responsibility of Expenses for Disciplinary Action

a.            If the accused is found innocent, then the accuser shall be responsible for paying all expenses incurred by the Committee on Discipline which can include, but not be limited to: phone calls, mileage, plane fare if necessary, and legal fees if necessary.  The expenses shall first be deducted from the initial deposit and any excess expenses shall become immediately due.  If there is a credit balance, then the remainder shall be returned to the accuser.

b.           If the accused is found guilty, then the accused shall be responsible for paying all expenses incurred by the Committee on Discipline which can include, but not be limited to: phone calls, mileage, plane fare if necessary, and legal fees if necessary.

8.      Reinstatement

a.            Reinstatement from Suspension

1)            Request of reinstatement in writing stating intentions to follow proper procedure.

2)            Copy of request to every member of the Committee on Discipline.

3)            Deposit of $250 made payable to USAWA-Kansas Kids.

4)            Conference call with every member of the Committee on Discipline, cost born by suspended party.

5)            The Executive Director will designate a representative to attend the suspended party's next event for monitoring purposes.  Any expense shall be born by the suspended party.

b.           Reinstatement from Expulsion

1)            Deposit of $500, made payable to USAWA-Kansas Kids.

2)            Automatic one-year probation.

3)            If probation period is violated, automatic expulsion shall incur for a minimum of three years.

9.      Amendments to Section on Discipline

Amendments to this section shall follow the same guidelines as those found in Section I, Article IX of this Constitution.






1.         All USAWA-Kansas Kids sanctioned tournaments must be sanctioned by USA Wrestling and be on file with the USAW-Kansas Chairman at least thirty (30) days prior to the tournament.

2.         Rapid Weight Reduction Rule – USAWA-Kansas Kids discourages rapid weight reduction methods under any circumstances.  It further believes that rapid weight reduction “cutting weight” through caloric restriction, dehydration, and excessive exercise in heated environments exposes wrestlers to decreased performance, heat related trauma, and hazard to health and life.  Whereas USAWA-Kansas Kids has adopted the following rules:

a.       With regard to the practice of dehydration, the use of hot rooms, hot showers, hot boxes, saunas, steam rooms, heated devices, diuretics, emetics, laxatives, excessive food and fluid restriction and self-induced vomiting is prohibited.

b.      Regardless of purpose, the use of vapor-impermeable suits (e.g. rubber or rubberized nylon) is prohibited.

c.       Violation of these rules at USAW sanctioned events shall cause the individual(s) in question to be suspended from the competition for which use of the prohibited methods were intended.

d.      Enforcement for this rule shall be the responsibility of the tournament committee which is to be established prior to the competition.  The decision of the tournament committee shall be final.

e.       A second violation will result in the suspension of the individual(s) from any USAW sanctioned event for one calendar year from time of suspension.

f.        Any individual assisting an athlete in prohibited weight reduction practices shall be held to the same rules and penalties as athletes.

3.         All sanctioned tournaments must comply with the rules in the annual publication by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFSHSA), unless otherwise specified in this document.  The following modifications refer to the NFSHSA rule that has been modified.


Rule 1-2-1

A club may enter as many wrestlers per age and weight class as are otherwise qualified.


Rule 1-2-2

There is no limit to the number of matches per day per wrestler. Wrestling will not continue past 10:00 P.M. and no more than twelve hours per day.


Rule 1-2-3

No contestant shall wrestle in two (2) consecutive matches with less than thirty (30) minutes rest between matches, unless both of the coaches and wrestlers involved agree to waive the rest period.


Rule 2-1-2

Every wrestling area, no matter what size, must have a minimum three (3) foot safety mat area next to any floor surface and five (5) foot from any wall or post.

Two (2) coaches’ boxes will be marked in appropriate locations within the safety area.  The coaches’ boxes are to be no more than five (f5) foot in width.


Rule 2-1-2

The wrestling area of the mat shall be based on the age group competing, as follows:



Under 11

must have a minimum wrestling area of 15'x 15'



11 to 14

must have a minimum wrestling area of 20'x 20'



15 & 16

must have a minimum wrestling area of 24 feet square or a circular area of 28 feet in diameter


Rule 2-1-3

This rule is omitted.


Rule 3-1-1

A minimum of fifty-percent (50%) of the officials will be required to be USAWA-Kansas and high school certified for all sanctioned tournaments.

Once certified officials will serve on the tournament committee and be in charge of all officials. It is recommended that all officials be both kids and high school certified.

To be a Kansas Kids certified official:

  1. Return registration form with a check for $5.00 before November 15.
  2. Attend a Kansas Kids certification meeting, which will follow all high school certification meetings and clinics.
  3. An official referee uniform is mandatory during all competition.
  4. Failure to honor a written contract to officiate will be grounds to have Kansas Kids certification revoked.
  5. Must have officiated at least one kids tournament to be considered for qualifying tournament.


Rule 3-1-4

The enforcement of rules regarding hair, finger nails and communicable diseases will be the responsibility of the tournament committee at the time of weigh-in. The Tournament Director will have a medical aid procedure in operation and at a minimum of an E.M.T. present on site, and will advise the coaches who the medical director may be.


Rule 3-1-5

The safe handling of blood cleanup on the mats will be the responsibility of the host tournament director, who will have cleanup materials at all mat areas.


Rule 4-1-1

The legality of all uniforms will be up to the referee, and need not conform to the NFSHSA rule.


Rule 4-1-3

Shoelaces are not required to be taped or otherwise covered.


Rule 4-2-3

The written documentation must consist of the form designed by USAWA-Kansas Kids, Inc. This form must be accompanied by a physician's letterhead or prescription form.


Rule 4-4-1

Competition shall be in the following age and weight classes. Age determination shall be as of midnight, August 31 for that competitive year. For example, a child with a birthday on August 31, 1995 will wrestle as an eleven-year-old during the 2006/07 season. A child born on September 1, 1995 will wrestle as a ten-year-old during the 2006/07 season. Any USAWA-Kansas Kids club may challenge the age of any wrestler during weigh-in at a sanctioned tournament. The wrestler or the wrestler's club must, within one week, provide a birth certificate or similarly reliable verification that the wrestler's age stated on his/her membership card is accurate.

8 & Under

40, 43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, 73, 76, 80, 88, 95, 110, 125.

9 & 10

52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, 73, 76, 79, 82, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, 150, 170.

11 & 12

60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 130, 140, 150, 165, 190, 215, 240.

13 & 14

70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 175, 205, 235, 265.

15 & 16

95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 175, 185, 215, 245, 275.


Additional and/or combined age and weight classes can be used at the option of the host tournament director.


Rule 4-4-2

No wrestler will be permitted to wrestle another person with a weight spread exceeding the following weights:


 8 & Under

15 Pounds


 9 & 10

20 Pounds


11 & 12

25 Pounds


13 & 14

30 Pounds


15 & 16

35 Pounds


Rule 4-5-1 &
Rule 4-5-3

The weigh-in procedures shall be determined by the tournament director.  Wrestlers shall wear a competition style singlet at weigh-in.


Rule 4-5-5

There shall be no weight allowances given, unless otherwise allowed by the tournament director.


Rule 6-1-1

The length of matches will be determined by the age group wrestling. 8 & Under / 9 & 10 will wrestle three (1) one minute periods. All other age groups will wrestle three one and one-half (1 1/2) minute periods.


Rule 6-1-2

The first period in all consolation matches may be either one minute, or a regulation length period, at the option of the tournament director.


Rule 6-1-3 &
Rule 6-7-1

The overtime period will be one (1) minute in all classes.


Rule 8-1-5

An official ejection will follow an official warning, except in the case of flagrant misconduct.  Anyone officially ejected from a tournament must leave the building, and will not be allowed to participate in or attend any other sanctioned tournaments.  This sanction shall be effective for:




First Occurrence – Eight (8) days

Second Occurrence – Twenty four (24) days

Third Occurrence – One (1) calendar year from date of ejection


Rule 10-2-2

Wrestling will not begin until the wrestler is represented by a coach at matside.  Coaches and wrestlers shall be permitted a maximum of two (2) minutes total to appear at the mat.  Failure of a coach or wrestler to appear shall result in forfeit to the opponent.


Rule 10-2-5

A forfeit or no-show is the same as any other loss.


Rule 10-3-6

In the event of a tie in a round robin, the winner will be determined based on head-to-head competition. If head-to-head competition cannot determine the winner, the winner will be determined by total points earned:


Fall, forfeit, default or disqualification



Technical fall



Major decision (8 to 14 pts)



Decision (0 to 7 pts)



If the winner still cannot be determined, the total bracket will be wrestled again.


1.         Qualifying tournaments are tournaments that are used to qualify or are in a series of tournaments that could advance a wrestler to the State level of competition, including the state tournament itself. Qualifying tournaments are subject to all sanctioned tournament rules in the preceding Part A, except where those rules have been modified or expanded under this Part B.

2.         For the purpose of eligibility of entering a Sub-District or District tournament, a competitive member must be a resident of Kansas and/or be enrolled in a Kansas educational school system. Special cases to this rule are subject to notification and permission from the Executive Council. The State Tournament Director will be notified of any person permitted to wrestle under this provision.

3.         SEEDING MEETINGS - Each district will establish a deadline, prior to the seeding meeting, after which no additional entries may be made. At the seeding meeting, weight or age corrections or scratches may be made in all age groups, including walk-on wrestlers, prior to the start of seeding the wrestlers. Once the seeding starts, no changes or additions will be allowed except in the case of clerical errors by the tournament director.

4.         Entry forms will be furnished by USAWA-Kansas Kids.

5.         Entry Fees for the state tournament will be set each year by the State Body.

6.         The District State Director and his/her two Assistant State Directors will determine the number of qualifiers from Sub-District to District. Each District will have this responsibility.

7.         There will be four (4) qualifiers from each District to State.

8.         The weight classes that a kid wrestler enters at the lowest level qualifying or advancement tournament will be the same for the following tournaments throughout state competition.

9.         All Junior High Wrestlers that were participating in a school affiliated (KSHSAA) wrestling program on the same day as a qualifier, will be permitted to wrestle in the next level tournament.

10.     There will be at least one official per wrestling area, plus one official for each three wrestling areas.

11.     The pairings of the State Tournament bracket will be District first place winner vs. District fourth place winner, and District second place winner vs. District third place winner. Bracket pairings are rotated annually. Current pairings are:



District I vs IV
District II vs III


District I vs II
District III vs IV



District I vs III
District II vs IV


District I vs IV
District II vs III

12.     The State Folkstyle Tournament will be held the last Saturday/ Sunday of March; unless the last Sunday is Easter, in that case, the tournament will be moved to the last Friday/Saturday of March.

13.     Rules Modifications (references to NFSHSA rules book):


Rule 2-2-2

The safety mat area defined in modified Rule 2-1-2 must be kept clear at all times, except for two coaches per wrestler.  Only coaches with copper or bronze level will be allowed mat side at all qualifying tournaments.


Rule 3-1-1

The referee's uniform is mandatory. All referees must be both High School and Kids certified.


Rule 4-4-1

No additional age or weight classes are allowed. At no time will a wrestler be permitted to wrestle out of their age division.


Rule 4-5-5

There shall be no weight allowances given.


Rule 6-1-2

The first period in all consolation matches will be one minute.


Rule 10-4

In the event of a bracket with three or four wrestlers, there will be a round robin. In the event of a two-man bracket they will wrestle the best two out of three matches.


1.         The fall, illegal holds, age determination, criteria, weight classes, and length of matches are as defined in the International Rule Book & Guide to Wrestling, as published by USA Wrestling.

2.         Wall brackets will be USA Wrestling Freestyle bracketing.


1.         Rules Committee –The Rules Committee, as defined in Section I Article VII, shall consider those rules, which directly impact the actions of the mat official during competition.  When necessary, a majority vote by the Executive Council will determine which rules the Rules Committee is authorized to act upon.  The Rules Committee can consider any suggestion(s) received, whether in oral or written form; however, they must discuss any written suggestions received prior to the date of their meeting. Any recommendations from the Rules Committee will be presented to the Executive Council at the next meeting of the council.  The Executive Council may approve a Rules Committee recommendation on a majority vote.  Upon approval by the Executive Council, the amendment will become effective.

2.         State Body

a.       Rules which directly impact the actions of the mat official during competition – may be amended on a two-thirds vote of the State Body, provided that at least fifty-five percent (55%) of all voting representatives of the state are present.  These rules may be amended at any annual State Body meeting, or at any special State Body meeting when the proposed amendment has been sent out in the notice of such meeting. Upon approval by the State Body under this provision, the amendment will become effective in the next subsequent fiscal year.

b.      All other rules under this Section –shall follow the same guidelines as those found in Section I, Article IX of this Constitution.  The principal distinction is that rules changes that do not directly impact the actions of the mat official during competition shall become effective immediately.