Media of the Year - 2001

Bob Hovey
Augusta Gazette


               For almost a year now, Bob Hovey has been the Sports Editor for the Augusta Gazette. He has contributed tremendous coverage for the Augusta High School wrestling program and Douglass wrestling. He provides humorous photos on his web page also.

               Formerly a writer for the Winfield Courier, Hovey also coached and taught for 15 years. He was also a publisher for or Hovpen Sports Page on the Internet.

               Hovey graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan University with a Bachelor in Education and Physical Education. He attended the University of Nebraska, studying Business Education. He has attended many other schools, taking summer courses.

               “Wrestling is a unique sport where it is just one on one,” expressed Hovey. “No excuses and nobody else to blame if you get beat. What you do is up to you.” He also states that, “Writing for me in more of a hobby, not a job.”