1. These by-laws govern the board and members of USA Wrestling-Kansas District 1.

  2. The purpose and responsibility of USAW-Kansas District 1 shall be to provide training, leadership and guidance in the fun and fundamentals of the sport of wrestling in Eastern Kansas.

  3. The Governing Board of the USAW-Kansas District 1 shall consist of  six (6) elected officers; a District Director, two (2) Sub-District Directors, a Freestyle Director, a Greco-Roman Director and a Treasurer.  A Secretary shall be appointed by the District Director and approved by a majority of the District 1 Executive Board.

  4. The active membership in USAW-Kansas District 1 shall consist of all chartered clubs in Eastern Kansas as determined by USAW-Kansas. District dues are $10/ per club per year and are payable before December 1st each year. Voting membership shall be restricted to clubs, who have paid their annual dues. Each club shall have one vote.

  5. The accounting period for USAW-Kansas District 1 shall run from September 1 through August 31. All funds expended will be by check and signed by a two non-payee members of the Governing Board.

  6. The annual election of officers will be held during the first Fall meeting of the District. The Governing Board will call this meeting no later than the first week of November each year. Notification will be made to all chartered clubs concerning the time and place shall be mailed no less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting. A quorum for voting actions will consist of thirty (30) percent of the current District membership.

  7. The annual Spring Seeding Meeting will be consider a General Meeting.  The meeting will begin with a limited agenda before the seeding process begins.  This meeting will also be utilized to select the sites for the qualifying tournaments for the following year.  If no acceptable proposals are found then the fall meeting will be used to select sites for the qualifying tournaments.

  8. Members of the Governing Board are elected for two years. Officers may be re-elected without term limitation. The District Director, Freestyle Director, and North Sub-District Director will be elected in every even year. The Treasurer, South Sub-District Director, and Greco-Roman Director will be elected in every odd year. The District Director, Freestyle Director, and Greco-Roman Director will be voted on by all attending members.  Sub-District directors will be voted on by the attending members that they represent.

  9. If a board member resigns during the year, the remaining five board members will select a temporary replacement. That appointee will hold the office until a general meeting of the District.

  10. In the event the general membership has reason to remove a member of the District 1 Executive Board a 2/3 vote of the voting membership will be required to impeach any standing director.  This procedure is permissible during either of the general meetings or by the generation of a petition containing the signature of 2/3 of the Club Directors who are in good standing in District 1.  The petition must be accepted by the District 1 Director, any member of the District 1 Executive Board, or USAW Kansas Executive Council and approved by a majority of the remainder of the District 1 Executive Board.  In the event any member of the District 1 Executive Board is removed by either of the above described procedures, the process outlined in By-Law 9 will be utilized to replacement Executive Board member.

  11. Duties of the Board Members will be as follows:

The Director shall preside at all District meetings, serve on the Executive Council of USAW-Kansas and provide guidance and counsel for all District 1 functions. The Director will also appoint a secretary, who must be approved by a majority of the District 1 Executive Board.

The Sub-District Directors preside at meetings in the absence of the Director, serve on seeding committee prior to sub-district tournaments, serve on the Executive Council of USAW-Kansas and perform other duties pertaining to the sub-district as assigned by the District Director.

The primary duty of the Freestyle Director is to further develop Freestyle wrestling within District 1. This person also serves as a member of the Executive Council of USAW-Kansas and assists the Director of District 1 as needed.

The primary duty of the Greco-Roman Director is to further develop Greco-Roman wrestling within District 1. This person also serves as a non-voting member of the Executive Council of USAW-Kansas and assists the Director of District 1 as needed.

The secretary shall keep the minutes of the District 1 meetings in one or more books provided for that purpose, see that all notices are duly given in accordance with organization records, and keep a register of the Post Office address of each voting representative and associated representative of each chartered club which shall be furnished to the Secretary by each such representative, and in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the District 1 Director.   The Secretary shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Council.

The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the organization; receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the organization from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such monies in the name of District 1 USAW Kansas in ________________ or in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected in accordance with this constitution and in general, perform all of the duties incident to the office of the Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the District 1 Director or by the District 1 Executive Board and approved by the District 1 voting body.  The Treasurer will provide a financial status and expenditure report to all members of District 1 at each general meeting of the members of District 1.  The Treasurer shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Council.

  1. These by-laws may be amended by a simple majority vote of the voting membership.
  2. If USAW-Kansas District 1 is dissolved, all remaining funds after all bills and refunds are paid will be donated to USAW-Kansas.

  3. Any member of the District 1 Executive board may not serve as an official for a Kansas Kids State qualifying event.  During the season any member of the Executive board may not serve on a tournament’s grievance committee or as a head official.