Lots of talk on this topic over on the folk style form. I am not trying to debate the requirement here...just would like to know what “is” the requirement.
Is the requirement, "All Kansas (kids through juniors) wrestlers wanting to compete in the Southern Plains Regional, must also attend the Kansas Southern Plains Camp 10-13 June?"
Is there any kind of general waiver, "e.g. kids participating in schoolboy duals do not have to attend the camp."?
Are there special waivers? If so, what is the mechanism to request a waiver from the camp?
Our club has several wrestlers planning to wrestle on the schoolboy team and several wrestlers that would like to wrestle in the southern plains but may not be able to.
My son Nick Flynn, for example, desires to attend the South Dakota State Team Camp 10-13 June than head down to Hays and wrestler in Southern Plains on the 14th. How I understanding the discussion on the camp requirement on the folk style forum, this is not an options.
Would appreciate anyone that could point me the "official" requirement for Kansans wanted to compete in the Southern Plains Regional tournament.
Thanks in advance,
Mike Flynn
Spartan Wrestling