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Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans #121327 02/25/08 11:25 PM
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USAWMom Offline OP
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I enjoy travelling to tournaments every weekend not just to watch my son wrestle, but because I am a true fan of the sport. I don't mind waking before the neighborhood rooster crows and starving until after my wrestler weighs-in because we are a wrestling family.

I am tired of defending our seats in the bleachers/stands for a full twelve hour day. Never fails, I leave for a few minutes and have to come back to a stranger either sitting on top of our things or resting their feet on top of what used to be in our places. This is the first year I have noticed this to the extreme. \:o

Yes, we are sometimes packed like tuna and I am more than happy to oblige to a polite request, but spectators and parents alike simply cannot arrive at a tournament ten minutes before showtime and expect a VIP seat. \:\/

As a coach's wife, I arrive at a tournament prepared for the long haul. We pack our own refreshments and bring our own entertainment, but it is physically impossible to remain in your seat for the entire day or to ask your wrestlers and other children to do the same. Whenever we step away for a break/stretch or lunch, we inevitably have to argue our way back into our seats in the stands.

We actually had a family physically gather and move our (several families) belongings to a different row yesterday so they could have a nice seat for the afternoon session. Our club had been parked there for seven hours at that point and the majority of us were in the commons eating lunch. I actually returned to a lady reading my magazine...

I am dying to know when we lost our respect for others and our common courtesy. I do not think I am being overzealous or unreasonable. I am usually happy to allow a parent to sit briefly to watch their wrestler from a better point of view when I can, and I have often volunteered to videotape for a stranger so that they may enjoy/cheer for their wrestler.

Share with me your thoughts and stories if you would be so kind as to indulge me... ;\)

Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: USAWMom] #121328 02/25/08 11:38 PM
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USAWMom Offline OP
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On the opposite end of that rant, I want to thank those of you who have been kind enough to show me that same courtesy. As a parent, I try not to "plant my big butt on the mat" (to quote another post) and often ask if I can briefly occupy a vacant spot for a better view of my son's match.

Thanks to you, my fellow fine folks...

Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: USAWMom] #121391 02/26/08 03:23 AM
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Mom&CoachsWife Offline
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I am also the head coachs wife and we arrive early to make sure that our parents and wrestlers have seats. I have been in the club for almost 5 years now and have really enjoyed it, but have also noticed how rude some people are about seating this year. I too have thought that it is rude of the people that show up 10 minutes or so before the start of the wrestling and either expect to sit their family of 10 in good seats or move your stuff over while your on a bathroom break! And then there are some that dont even ask or look at you and just sit down on top of your stuff! Its just unbelievable this year. I try my hardest to be nice but after the long hours of sitting up there and protecting belongings and seats you tend to get a little tired and cranky!

I understand that its hard to pack that many in such small spaces but people need to take in consideration that we did get up early, drove to the tournament tired and hungry and then sat in those seats all day. So I completely understand! And sometimes I feel like an angry mad women after soo many "yes these seats are taken, they will be right back" or after moving our team mates stuff out from someones butt or feet!

I do try my hardest to be polite though, I really do. And I hope I haven't offended anyone in the stands.. I just want to go enjoy my day and watch my boys without all the hassle of the seating!

Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: Mom&CoachsWife] #121409 02/26/08 07:14 AM
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ReDPloyd Offline
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My first thought when I read the preceding comments was, why as an assistant coach am I only allowed to have one wife? Now I know why our head coach has twice as much fun and twice as many headaches as our assistants do.

If you caught yourself gasping when you read what I just wrote, you weren't alone. I was gasping while writing it (I am sure my humor would elude my wife as well and I would end up sleeping on the back porch with the dogs, if even that lucky).

All kidding aside, I have not been to any tournaments this season, but I am saddened by what I read. Where I am, people are fighting for their independence, for their land, for jobs, for food and clothing, for electricity and heat, and for the futures of their children. The luxury and privelage of going to watch your child participate in a great sport like wrestling should not be taken for granted. People should not assume they have the right, nor do they have the right, to walk into a gymnasium and move other peoples things just to find a seat. Doing so is disrespectful, selfish and totally unacceptable.

Lee Girard
Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: ReDPloyd] #121410 02/26/08 07:32 AM
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ReDPloyd Offline
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Just for the record, for all of the coaches' wives and wrestling moms, and I don't think that I am alone on this one, your efforts and support are greatly appreciated. I will freely admit that I would be lost without my wife's help come tournament time. This year, she has had to do it all, including taking our son to practice 30 miles away just so he can wrestle with the same club he has the previous three years (not to mention taking him to the tournaments). My wife doesn't read these posts, so I am not trying to score brownie points with her. I just wanted to salute each and every one of you for making the wrestling experience that much better, and in some cases, making it possible.

Lee Girard
Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: ReDPloyd] #121427 02/26/08 01:24 PM
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USAWMom Offline OP
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DPloyd4Now, Thank you for your kind words and especially your humor!

My above rant seems meaningless in comparison to your current situation. I enjoy reading your posts and I am glad that you have found a way to keep updated within the wrestling community.

As for your wife with four boys, kudos to her and all of the other military wives who also happen to be wrestling Moms. As far as your wife reading these posts, something tells me that she wouldn't have to read this to know how much you appreciate your family.

It's amazing to me that wrestling families seem to be more dedicated to the sport than any other I have personally ever been a part of. Not only are they usually dedicated, but they are also competitive (and apparently that includes seating arrangements)...

Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: ReDPloyd] #121431 02/26/08 01:32 PM
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LoriC Offline
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My experience this year has been very similar to those posted about. We've only been involved for 3 years, but yes, this year there seems to be more folks who don't respect the "blankets on the bleachers". But I will still say this, for every bad experience, I've had at least 3 good ones, with people who were happy to let me have a temporary seat when I moved to get a better view of one of my boys' matches, and folks who passed me towel when I needed one to wrap an ice pack.

My biggest rant is to the folks who think the Head Table's instructions asking everyone on the mats to kneel don't apply to them! I finally learned that it does me no good to be matside, my kids don't hear me, if they do, it's just a distraction from what their coaches are telling them, and the best place for me is in the stands. However, I would still like to get a good view, and I can't count the number of times I've heard the Head Table asking everyone to take a knee, and those down there will turn around, look at the source of the announcement, turn back around and remain standing.

Lori Carter
Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: LoriC] #121441 02/26/08 02:29 PM
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millspartyof5 Offline
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Thanks to all of you for posting. I can relate to all the stories mentioned above and have had similar experiences. This is also our 3rd year and it does seem this year is worse.

It is frustrating getting there at 6am and then getting taken over as the day goes on.

I also agree with the matside comments 100%

Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: millspartyof5] #121445 02/26/08 02:39 PM
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usawks1 Offline
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"I finally learned that it does me no good to be matside, my kids don't hear me, if they do, it's just a distraction from what their coaches are telling them, and the best place for me is in the stands."

That's quite an admission LoriC!!

I've talked to a ton of wrestlers, almost universally they say, all they hear is a roar! It is confusing to them, hearing so many voices.

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
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Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: usawks1] #121519 02/26/08 07:53 PM
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vike82 Offline
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After this year, I have to agree. I have never been so upset with the behavior of parents/adults in regards to personal belongings of wrestlers, coaches or their fans when they are away from their seats. I would be more than happy to move my stuff to make room if the seat isn't already taken, JUST ASK ME. It is really hard to explain to my kids how childish some adults behavior is, because they have decided to park themselves right on top of your stuff and are refusing to get up when you come back. We are all there for the same reason, to cheer our kids on, the difference is, I got there early and seem to have the seat you want. I don't wake up that morning and see it as my personal goal to do nothing but irritate you in your pursuit of my seat, but it is probably going to happen. I go to these meets because my son loves wrestling and I'm there to suppport HIS decision to pursue this sport!!! GIVE ME THE RESPECT YOU WANT BACK IN RETURN and we can all sit together and you can watch me get sick when my son wrestles(I could probably cheer on yours easier).

Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: vike82] #121547 02/26/08 09:58 PM
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Mom&CoachsWife Offline
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OH I AGREE with the matside issue too! After our 1st year I got the point that it does me no good to be down on the mat. There is so much yelling and bodies down there as it is. The only time I go down is to take a few pics at a few of the tourneys.. but after I get my hand selected pics for the year I'm happy to sit in the bleachers.

LoriC.. you are so right with your complaint with no one abiding my the rules to kneel. Its soo frustrating. I loved how at .. I'm wanting to say Linn County's tourney.. they made an announcement early that morning that the 1st 3 or 4 rows WILL be able to see their kids wrestle on the mat. And if there was alot of people standing that they WILL stop all matches until everyone is on their knees. That tournament went really nice... seemed like alot of people actually listened to the announcement and I was impressed! I know that alot of it is parents/coaches just want to see the kids in their matches BUT they really do need to be respectful to everyone that is there doing the same.

Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: Mom&CoachsWife] #121549 02/26/08 10:00 PM
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DPloyd4Now.. I meant to thank you for your kind words too! I'm glad that us moms/coach's wifes are appreciated. \:\)

Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: Mom&CoachsWife] #121555 02/26/08 11:24 PM
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bockman Offline
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Trust me I know exactly what your talking about. I have a family of 7 and its hard to fit that many let alone the rest of the families in the club. Now my wife has a different opinion. She wants me to call her at the last minute so she doesnt have to keep the little ones occupied for those same 6-8 hours. It is hard for her to find a seat coming that late so if its my wife i am sorry. I dont think it is though since we usually sit up high and out of the way. You have to think of it this way. I do not like the fact that so many people try to save seats. I tell my wife I will not save her seats. If you want that seat get there and hold it cause there are way too many people to try and save an entire row of seats with the best view. Thats how the fights started in Ottawa last year. One lady was saving 2 full rows and finally people just started moving her stuff. Nobody ever came to claim those seats. Now on the other hand if you have already been sitting there and somebody moves your stuff thats just not right. So you have the right to ok nevermind. And thank you for not sitting on the side of the mat where the kids need the space to warm up.

Scott Bockover
Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: vike82] #121569 02/27/08 12:32 AM
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Allie Offline
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I'm right there with you all. I just "love" it when I come back from getting my son to his coach or from the bathroom and find interlopers in my spot. Obviously, it's my spot... it must be all of my stuff is there. Then they have the nerve to give me and my kids dirty looks when we try to retrieve all of our things that they were stepping all over.
On the other hand, there's the other wrestling Mom who has put up with my 3 kids climbing over her and her stuff to get in and out of our tightly packed spot - she never complains. Just smiles and puts up with them... thanks!!

Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: Allie] #121626 02/27/08 02:59 PM
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PatrickCavanaugh Offline
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Could be worse. Imagine your son is a senior, just finished wrestling his last match last weekend & the journey that has consumed your families life for the past however many years is over. That's the reality a lot of parents are having to deal with as we sit here. I'll take the inconveniences any day.

Patrick Cavanaugh
Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: PatrickCavanaugh] #121627 02/27/08 03:07 PM
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Allie Offline
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Wow... what an empty feeling you must have. I can't imagine not having my every moment filled with my kids sports events!

Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: Allie] #121628 02/27/08 03:11 PM
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PatrickCavanaugh Offline
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Actually my boy is 10 & I am trying to get my 6 year old on board, but some very good friends are dealing with that empty feeling. It really put things in perspective for me. Enjoy it while you can, sooner then later you won't have a horse in the race.

Patrick Cavanaugh
Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: PatrickCavanaugh] #121633 02/27/08 03:22 PM
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LMArnhold Offline
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Ladies I hear you on this one as a wrestler i hate after a match going up to my stuff and having to reach under some strangers legs to get to it.

only the tribe survives
Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: LMArnhold] #121640 02/27/08 03:40 PM
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sportsfan02 Offline
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With so many leaving their seats and property unattended I now know why we have so many posts about stolen items at tournaments.

Re: Bleacher Nazi vs. Rude Parents/Fans [Re: sportsfan02] #121671 02/27/08 05:26 PM
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mcaugusta Offline
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I think alot of people are rude at the tournaments. You try to "save" space, not just for your family, but for your club. So they can sit together. This year I have seen more people move our stuff and just sit down, than I have the last 3 years. I think if you see stuff there, don't sit down; or at least ask first. I agree with the one post that said the bleachers are there for you to watch your kids wrestle. I have learned over the past 4 years, that I just need to keep in the bleachers and watch from there. I, admit, the first year (maybe second one too...lol) I was one of those mothers down at the matside cheering my son on. But now that my husband is a coach, I have been banned from matside; and you know what? I don't mind. I hate it when they announce that people need to kneel down or get back in the bleachers and the people just stand there like they never heard anything. I think that is soooo rude. I have been yelled at by people when I politely ask them to kneel or move. Let's just be respectful of each other.

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