Sean Rall from Colby, Kade Miller from Osborne and the kid from Scott City if REAL tough and a qualifier from last year. Cant remember his name. Rall is winning most tournaments out West. Miller was 3rd 6U last year at Ottawa. Kid from Phillipsburg is pretty good too. Think his name is Lenker. Watched some good matches this year between all these kids.
These are the kids I have watched over the last few weeks or that my son has wrestled that I would expect to see at state. We have only been at 67 since the Salina tourny so I am sure there are more out there we have not seen yet. Chase Reynolds (district1) Nicholas Wells (district 2) Marcus Robinson (district 2) Jackson Hartley (district 2) only 6U but very tough Payton Webb (district 3) Wyatt Hayes (district 4) only 1 loss so far this year I think.
Throw in Brendan Young from Lincoln. He may be at 64# as i think they combined weights at Lincoln yesterday. At either weight watch for him at state. He and Kade Miller had a barnburner of a match for the championship. I think the final was 14-12. VERY good wrestling from both. Miller was up by 2 or 3 late in the match and Young came back for the win. It was late in the day and one of the last matches so they were allowed the whole mat.....and they used every inch. One of the best matches I have watched this year and exemplerary sportsmanship shown by both afterwards. Saw them both talking and laughing together for several minutes after. What it should be all about....effort and sportsmanship. Knowing coaches from those clubs....I know that is emphasized. Sorry for the long post but wanted to get that point across. Was great to see.