This is how they do it south of the border. Very similar to football in that you have districts setup to have the duals:
1. There will be four classes of competition. Wrestling districts will be classified for a two year period using the most current A.D.M. available.
NOTE: Classifications for the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 dual state districts were based on the 2005-2006 A.D.M. sheet.
2. Each class (6A, 5A, 4A, and 3A) will have eight districts.
3. Each team in a district will be required to wrestle a dual against other district teams. This may be done through duals or other multi-team competition. All district duals shall be completed by February 3, 2009.
4. The first place team (best won-lost record) in each district will advance to the dual state championship tournament.
5. Teams that have qualified for the Dual State Wrestling Championships should fax their seeding information form (mailed with dual state information in January) to the OSSAA by February 4, 2009.
1. The Dual Team State Wrestling Tournament will be held February 13-14, 2009.
2. The Dual Team State Wrestling Tournament will be a two day format hosted by Western Heights High School for Classes 5A-6A and Cushing High School for Classes 3A-4A.
3. The quarterfinals will be wrestled at 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Friday. The semi-finals will be wrestled at noon and 2:00 p.m. The championship finals will be wrestled at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday night.
4. Only one official per mat will be used for the quarterfinal and either one or two officials will be used for the semifinal rounds. Two officials per mat will be used for the championship finals. Officials will be selected by the OSSAA.
5. The times on the first round will alternate each year between the top and bottom of each bracket.
1. There will be two weigh-ins for the Dual State Championships. Weigh-in times on Friday will begin at 4:30 p.m. for the 6:00 p.m. duals and will begin at 6:30 p.m. for the 8:00 p.m. duals. Weigh-in times on Saturday will begin at 10:30 a.m. for the 12 noon duals and 12:30 p.m. for the 2:00 p.m. duals.
2. All participants must weigh-in at the designated time for their dual and at the designated site.
3. The mat officials assigned by the OSSAA may conduct the weigh-ins. If not, a neutral party should be present to conduct the weigh-ins. If it is not possible to have a neutral party available, a district administrator (principal or athletic director) should be present to conduct the weigh-ins.
4. There will not be a weight allowance for the Dual State Championships except for the two pound growth allowance. However, there will be a one pound allowance for the second weigh-in per National Federation Rule 4-5-5.
5. Dual State is a post-season state championship event and the weight certification rule will be in effect which states, “Once you certify your minimum weight, you can only weigh-in one weight class above your minimum weight and still keep that minimum weight. A wrestler who weighs in at any time more than one weight class above his/her minimum weight, his/her minimum weight will move up accordingly.”
6. All wrestlers must weigh-in on Friday to weigh-in on Saturday.
7. Teams may alter their line-up from Friday to Saturday providing they are in compliance with the weigh-in certification regulations. (see II-D-17)
8. Random draw of weight classes to determine the beginning of a dual at Dual State will be drawn at the OSSAA office for each day of competition.
1. A committee selected by the president of the Oklahoma Wrestling Coaches' Association will assist the OSSAA in seeding the Dual State Championships, if needed. Members of this committee will consist of two representatives from each class. One representative will be from the west and the other from the east. A committee member’s team may not be participating in the Dual State Championships.
2. The seeding criteria for the Dual State Wrestling Championships will be as follows:
a. Head to Head Competition. (Teams that have tied during the regular season will use the tie breaker criteria. If two teams have evenly split wins (one-one, two-two, etc.) during the season, the last match wrestled will count towards a team’s won-loss record.)
b. Record against common opponent.
Wrestling 2008-09
c. OWCA state ratings.
d. Tournament placings at the same tournament after January 1st.
e. Coaches/OSSAA committee.
3. The bracket for each class of the Dual State Championships will be bracketed as follows:
a. The winners of districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be seeded.
b. The winners of districts 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be seeded.
c. Seeds will be placed on the bracket as follows:
d. W1 - E4; E2 - W3 (top of bracket)
e. E1 - W4; W2 - E3 (bottom of bracket)
1. In dual meet competition, if teams have identical scores, the following team tie-breaking system shall be used to determine the winner.
a. The team whose opposing wrestlers or team has been penalized the greater number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct shall be declared the winner.
b. The team having won the greater number of matches (including forfeits) shall be declared the winner.
c. The team having accumulated the greater total number of falls, defaults, forfeits and disqualifications shall be declared the winner..
d. The team having the greater number of technical falls shall be declared the winner.
e. The team having the greater number of major decisions shall be declared the winner.
f. The team having the greater number (total match points) of first-point(s) scored shall be declared the winner.
g. The team having the greater number of points for near-falls shall be declared the winner.
h. The team having the greater number of takedowns shall be declared the winner.
i. The team having the greater number of reversals shall be declared the winner.
j. The team having the greater number of escapes shall be declared the winner.
k. The team whose opponent has been penalized the greater number of points for stalling.
l. The team whose opponent has been warned more often for stalling.
m. The team whose opponent has the greater number of points for all other infractions (i.e. false starts).
n. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a disk will determine the winner.
Upon determining the winning team by use of the tiebreaking system, a single team point shall be added to the prevailing team. The method of recording the score in breaking team ties shall be the score followed by the letter of the criterion that broke the tie (e.g. Team A-16; Team B-17, criterion e).
2. If two teams are tied in the dual state district team standing, the team that won over the other team shall be the district champion.
3. If three or more teams are tied in the dual state district team standing, the following criteria will be used:
a. Begin with the tiebreaking criteria listed in V-E-1, use only the matches wrestled among the tied teams.
b. Begin with the first criteria among the tied teams, if you do not have a winner, only the teams tied with this criteria will advance on to the next criteria. (Example: Team A – penalized zero team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct; Team B – penalized zero team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct; Team C – penalized zero team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct; Team D – penalized one team point for unsportsmanlike conduct. Teams A, B, and C are all tied on criteria a. and will advance to criteria b. Team D drops out of the tiebreaking process.)
c. Anytime the tiebreaking criteria reduces the number of teams tied to two, the team that won over the other team shall be the district champion.
1. If the first place finisher from a dual state district decides not to participate in the dual state tournament, they will not be allowed to enter regional tournament competition.
2. If the first place finisher from a dual state district intentionally violates the spirit of the sport of wrestling by sending a junior varsity team or a junior varsity/varsity team to the dual state tournament, the team or individual(s) will not be allowed to enter regional tournament competition.
3. Teams forfeiting a district dual will count a loss on their team record and a point against their team schedule. They will also forfeit the right to compete for the district championship. A team receiving a forfeit will count a win on their team record and a point against their team schedule.
1. Each dual district champion will receive a championship plaque.
2. The runner-up and championship teams of the Dual State Tournament will receive an appropriate trophy. The championship and runner-up coaches will receive a coach's achievement plaque.
The Activities Association will send all needed information to each dual state site. This information will include admission prices ($5.00 for adults and students), tickets, and complimentary pass regulations.
Here are how the districts stack up: