Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
03/30/09 01:14 AM
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Classy kids, coaches, and team. Well deserved.
Team Scores on 03/29/2009 09:10 p.m. 1. Greater Gold GC GR 180.0 2. Brawlers BRA 166.0 3. East Kansas Wrestling Club EKWC 106.0 4. Andover Jaguar JAG 104.0 5. TOHK TOHK 93.0 6. Carroll Jr CAR 83.0 7. Great Bend GB 83.0 8. Maize MZ 82.0 9. Ark City AC 80.0 10. Derby Derb 79.0 11. Wichita Wrestling Club WWC 74.0 12. Salina Wrestling Club SAL 70.0 13. Boos` School BOO 63.0 14. Paola Wrestling Club PAO 63.0 15. STA Wrestling Club STA 57.0 16. Chanute Wrestling Club Chan 55.0 17. Winfield Winf 52.0 18. Bonner Springs Wrestling Club BSWC 50.0 19. Columbus Wrestling Club Col 49.0 20. Gardner-Edgerton Wrestling GEWC 48.0 21. Norton NOR 48.0 22. Goddard Godd 47.0 23. Newton Wrestling Club NEWT 46.0 24. Scott City SC 45.0 25. Mill Valley Wrestling Club MVWC 44.0 26. Rossville Wrestling Club RWC 44.0 27. Smoky Valley Wrestling Club SVWC 43.0 28. Frontenac Youth Wrestling Club FYWC 42.0 29. Con-Kids CON 41.0 30. Jr. Viking Wrestling Club JVWC 41.0 31. Junction City Wrestling Club JUN 41.0 32. Russell Wrestling Club RUSS 41.0 33. Baldwin City Wrestling Club BCWC 40.0 34. Central CE 40.0 35. Emporia Kids Wrestling Club EMP 40.0 36. Topeka Thunderbird Wrestling TTW 40.0 37. Gray County GCKW 38.0 38. Ulysses Tigers ULYT 38.0 39. Olathe South Falcons Wrestling OSFW 37.0 40. Ottawa Mat Masters Wrestling Otta 36.0 41. Caney Wardogs CWar 35.0 42. El Dorado ELD 35.0 43. Mulvane Mulv 35.0 44. Leavenworth Co Wrestling Club LCWC 34.0 45. Linn Co Twisters Wrestling Club Linn 33.0 46. Team Haysville THay 33.0 47. Manhattan Optimist Kids MAN 31.0 48. Abilene Wrestling Club ABI 30.0 49. Ottawa County OT 30.0 50. Goodland GLD 28.0 51. Jackson Co Wrestling Club JCWC 28.0 52. Colby CO 27.0 53. NW Jr. Grizzlies NWjr 27.0 54. Smith County SMTH 27.0 55. Clay County Wrestling Club CLAY 26.0 56. Team Tigers Wrestling Club TTWC 25.0 57. Ulysses Kids ULYK 25.0 58. Crawford County Crew Craw 24.0 59. Cougars Wrestling Club Coug 23.0 60. Ellis ELL 23.0 61. Independence Indy 23.0 62. Team Lighting TMLT 23.0 63. Chaparral CH 21.0 64. Wakeeney WAK 21.0 65. Greensburg Rec G R 20.0 66. Phillipsburg PBRG 20.0 67. Plainville PLV 20.0 68. Dodge City Wranglers DCW 18.0 69. Turner Wrestling Club Turn 18.0 70. Hutchison Kids Werstling HUTH 17.0 71. Liberal LI 17.0 72. Burlington Wrestling Club BLWC 16.0 73. Hays Hays 16.0 74. KC Prodigy Wrestling Club KCPW 16.0 75. Marysville Kids Wrestling Club MAR 16.0 76. Silver Lake Wrestling Club SLWC 16.0 77. Team Xtreme XTR 16.0 78. Council Grove CG 15.0 79. Marion Jr. Wrestling Club MWC 15.0 80. Allen County Wrestling Club AlCo 14.0 81. Chanute Jr. Comet Wrestling ChJr 14.0 82. Kansas City Wrestling Club KCWC 14.0 83. Oakley OAK 14.0 84. Osborne OSBN 14.0 85. Parsons Wrestling Club Pars 14.0 86. Pittsburg Wrestling Club Pitt 14.0 87. S.E.K. Wrestling Club SEK 14.0 88. Sunflower Kids Wrestling Club SKWC 14.0 89. Wichita North WicN 14.0 90. Borderline Bandits Wrestling BBW 13.0 91. Hugoton Hug 13.0 92. McPherson Wrestling Club MAC 13.0 93. Horton Wrestling Club HO 12.0 94. Lawrence Coyotes Wrestling LCW 12.0 95. South Central Strykers SCSS 12.0 96. Halstead HALS 11.0 97. Wellington WE 10.0 98. Wellsville Wrestling Club Well 10.0 99. Aztecas AZT 9.0 100. Wamego Jr. Raiders WAM 9.0 101. Beloit BELT 8.0 102. Effingham Wrestling Club EF 8.0 103. Coffeyville Coff 7.0 104. Herington Kids Wrestling HER 7.0 105. Osawatomie Wrestling Club OSA 7.0 106. Slammers Wrestling Club SWC 7.0 107. Caney Cany 6.0 108. Kaw Valley Kids Wrestling Club KVKW 6.0 109. Pratt PR 6.0 110. Valley Center VC 6.0 111. Garden Plain GP 5.0 112. Olathe East Wrestling Club OEWC 5.0 113. Tonganoxie Wrestling Club TWC 5.0 114. Trailhands Wrestling Club Trai 5.0 115. Andover Jr. Wrestling Club AJWC 4.0 116. Clearwater Clea 4.0 117. Eureka EUR 4.0 118. Fredonia Fred 4.0 119. St. Francis ST F 4.0 120. Vermillion Valley VER 4.0 121. Hoxie HOX 3.0 122. Rose Hill RH 3.0 123. Blue Thunder Wrestling Club BTWC 2.0 124. Chapman CHAP 2.0 125. Cherryvale Cher 2.0 126. Hodgeman County Warriors HOCW 2.0 127. Lakin Mat Crew LMC 2.0 128. Louisburg Wrestling Club LKWC 2.0 129. Rock Creek ROC 2.0 130. Semper Fi SF 2.0 131. The Dotte Wrestling Club DWC 2.0 132. Augusta AUG 1.0 133. CPA CPA 1.0 134. Flint Hills Jr FH 1.0 135. Hoisington Jr. Cardinals HI 1.0 136. Leoti Takedown LEOT 1.0 137. Raider Wrestling RW 1.0 138. Southwest Grapplers Y SO 1.0 139. Stockton STKN 1.0 140. Topeka Tornado Wrestling Club Torn 1.0 141. Atchison Kids Wrestling Club AKWC 0.0 142. Atwood ATW 0.0 143. Blue Valley Wrestling Club BVWC 0.0 144. Bulldog Bull 0.0 145. Central Hts Viking Wrestling Cent 0.0 146. Chase County CHA 0.0 147. Circle Jr. CIR 0.0 148. DeSoto Kids Wrestling Club Deso 0.0 149. Doniphan Co Grizzlies DCG 0.0 150. Ellsworth County ELLS 0.0 151. Fort Scott Wrestling Club FSWC 0.0 152. Frankfort Kids FRA 0.0 153. Hill City Ringneck HC 0.0 154. Hillsboro Wrestling Club HIL 0.0 155. Lincoln County LINC 0.0 156. Meade County ME 0.0 157. Northeast Knights Wrestling NKW 0.0 158. Oberlin OBR 0.0 159. OCS OCS 0.0 160. Olathe Wrestling Club OL 0.0 161. Renegades RENG 0.0 162. Republic Co REP 0.0 163. Spring Hill Wrestling Club SHWC 0.0 164. Studz STUD 0.0 165. Sublette Sub 0.0 166. WolfPack Wolf 0.0
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: doug747]
03/30/09 01:21 AM
Joined: Mar 2005
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Curtis Chenoweth
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Congrats to Greater Gold. They had a fantastic tourney and I'm very impressed with the entire team. It seemed like every time I looked out another Greater Gold kid was winning a state title!
Curtis Chenoweth
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: doug747]
03/30/09 01:29 AM
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Akin Wrestling
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Martin, his staff, and the Greater Gold wrestlers are very respectable displays of sportsmanship and toughness. They were very dominant this weekend.
Congrats to the Brawlers as well, who were a very close second.
These are two great teams who really do an incredible job at raising the level of excellence in Kansas wrestling.
Awesome talent-pool and great coaches!
Coach Akin East Kansas Wrestling Club
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: Akin Wrestling]
03/30/09 01:33 AM
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what is so great about greater gold is that they teach life along with wrestling!! and to me thats the classiest part of all!!! martin and all the gc coaches are the tops in my book!!!they are kids wrestling is supposed to be about!!! learning not just on the mat but in life as well!!!!! way to go greater gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: swkskidsmatrats]
03/30/09 01:56 AM
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Congrats to the East Kansas Wrestling Club in its first year with Eric Akin as the head coach!!!!!!
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: nbk119]
03/30/09 02:16 AM
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I agree the Greater Gold had a very impressive tournament. I also remember where most (not all) started there wrestling careers and that was with SW Grapplers and some with the YMCA. Let us not forget who taught them the basics!
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: nbk119]
03/30/09 02:19 AM
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Akin Wrestling
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Thank you very much. But I have to say Co-Head Coach. Just as much credit goes to Travis Phippen, Darrin Davis, Mark Mills, Paul Cheney, Jon Lautt, Perry Madl, Rek Garraway, Rusty Stovall, Doug Newcomb, Will Cokeley, and several other dad/coaches that put their hearts into it.
Also thanks to all the other kids and dads that train with us through out the year but wrestle for other clubs: Linn County, Lansing, Leavenworth, Topeka Junior Vikings, Mill Valley, Paola, Olathe, Lawrence, DeSoto, Bonner Springs, Baldwin, Gardner-Edgerton, Harrisonville, Mo. and more.
All are very instrumental in the success of champions!
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: Jhawk24]
03/30/09 02:20 AM
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I know Martin will be keeping his room open for Freestyle and Greco. This is an excellent opportunity for ALL southwest Kansas wrestlers. Liberal, Hugoton, Dodge City, Scott City, Lakin, Sublette, etc. Get some car pools together and lets see 100 wrestlers from District 4 at Freestyle and Greco Roman State. Remember, summer wrestling makes winter Champions.
Congratulations to the Greater Gold and the entire Garden City Wrestling community. You have a rich tradition so keep carrying the torch.
Good Job Martin and Staff.
Will Cokeley (708)267-6615
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: Cokeley]
03/30/09 10:26 AM
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Congratulations Garden City, you guys are a Class Act.
Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: Beeson]
03/30/09 12:04 PM
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coach craig
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Great work Garden City.
Coach Craig Adams Carroll Jr. Wrestling
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: coach craig]
03/30/09 12:24 PM
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Travis Phippen
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Congrats Greater Gold. Awesome Job. You could tell how tough they were even in the warm-ups prior to the tournament everyone focused and ready to make an impact. Great job guys.
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: Travis Phippen]
03/30/09 02:17 PM
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J. Dale
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Congrats to Martin and everyone at GG although Martin would have looked better with green hair like mine.
Well you're just a special kind of stupid aren't you?
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: coach craig]
03/30/09 03:45 PM
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Jeff Smith
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Congratulation GG, very impressive!
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: Jeff Smith]
03/30/09 06:55 PM
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Having only known Martin for a couple of years I am always impressed by the "class" his kids wrestle with. A great reflection of the head coach. Keep up the great work fellas and congrats to all the wrestlers who competed this weekend. It was a great season!!!
Last edited by 6minuteWar; 03/30/09 06:56 PM.
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions
[Re: doug747]
03/30/09 07:13 PM
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Congratulations to your whole wrestling family GG. Excellent sportsmanship, coaching, and parents. Well deserved. Derby Wrestling Club
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions
[Re: Wells]
03/30/09 07:50 PM
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Congrats to Greater Gold and Coach Martin!
You obviously are making a positive influence in the life of kids!
Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?
Randy Hinderliter USAW Kansas KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: coach craig]
03/30/09 08:00 PM
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Coach Knox 61
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Congrats to you Garden City. Hard work does pay off.
Re: Congrats to Greater Gold, State Team Champions....
[Re: Coach Knox 61]
03/31/09 01:14 PM
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Congrats to Craig Adams and Jess Keith for building Carroll Junior Wrestling Club. CJWC qualified 5 for state my boy's first year in the club and 4 the next. Five years later, CJWC qualified 25 and placed 6th as a team. That is a pretty big jump. Props also to Mike Ziegler, Dan Berry and Tammy Keith. Great Club, Great Staff, Great Parents, Great Kids, Great Character, Great Sportsmanship, Great Style. Coach Craig is Legit!
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