
We wanted to introduce you to the Nebraska Youth Wrestling http://www.neyw.org website.

Our goal is to provide support for youth wrestling as a whole within the state of Nebraska. The Youth Wrestling Club listing and the Event listings is our little way of helping make information easier to find. While we are focused on Nebraska Youth Wrestling we understand that clubs and kids will cross state borders. That being said we have listed some events and clubs in Kansas where we felt Nebraska clubs might attend or interact.

We will provide the same free services to any club or organization that desires included in our club or events listings. We do not care if a club is AAU or USAW.

Do you have to use this website?
  • No! We scour the area websites; if we find a club, clinic or tournament we add it. This is not another site you need to check, but one we hope you want to check.
We will try and keep this site neutral to clubs and organizations. We will provide the same free services to any club or organization that desires included in our club or events listings. However we will give extra support to certain organizations and tournaments we deem important to the growth of a wrestler and the general well-being of the sport. An example of this is using USA Wrestling's www.themat.com and AAU Wrestling' www.aauwrestling.net for news or highlighting an event or the general highlighting of special events in the Nebraska area.

Youth Club Listing

Tournament Listing

Clinic Listing

If you find this website useful, please spread the word.

Doug Weidner