We as coaches ask our wrestlers to act the part and look the part. Why shouldn't we do the same for them? We buy them the nicest singlets money can find, we get nice warm-ups so our teams look good in photographs and at tournaments, but why do we still wear jeans, t-shirts, shorts, and our "coaches shirts" on Championship weekend?
For years I have dressed up for both days and receive lots compliments on my doing so. Saturday I wear a nice shirt, slacks, and dress shoes. Sunday a full suit and tie(all day)! I know a few change for the finals, but we should hold ourselves to the same standard and decorum we hold our kids to.
Instead of Best T-Shirt, there should be a vote for best dressed coach or coaching staff!!!!

For 2010 State Championships I vote Doug Mitchell from the Wolfpack!!!! Runner up Bishop Carrol!!!! Go Wichita for setting the standard!!