Hi Wrestlers. My name is Kevin Clem your Advocare guy here in Kansas, I've been around to the wrestling matches mainly for the younger kids talking about "Hydration" and how much better you do when you're hydrated, and if you can start the night before! Everyone thinks the Gatorade's and Powerade are going to hydrate you, Just because they advertise on TV,,,Not so folks, I love to show our Rehydrate that will go to the muscle's and within minutes you will cool down.
It works that good for only about 70 cents per serving! because of the proper nutrients and our science dating back to the 1960s on our science board. Email me @ sparkywow1@sbcglobal.net and in the "subject line" I want Rehydration" and I'll shoot you back the sheet's about what ours compared to theirs. I had one coach who wrestles, come up to me and told me "what I gave him in Rosehill worked!" You can also contact me @ 316-871-8845.

If your serious about your game, get serous about what you put into your body.

You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain, check it out.
Kevin Clem