Just a couple of things that i see or just i dont think some will make the weight they are at.
106 Dakota Kohler-Phillipsburg-11..i dont think so
113 Hunter Speer Horton...i dont think so Cody Ray Eureka...i dont think so
120 Kasey Biddle-Central Burden-11...i dont see it Drew Jones-Hoxie-12.....i dont see it Austin Avelar-Goodland-12....i dont see it Brenden Lewis-Lyons-12....i dont see it
132 Brogan H...he will be here or at 138
182 Ty Lowe will be there not at 195 Rilley Denny...Moved out of state
220 Luke Hays Scott City...not a chance Jacob English Beloit...i dont see it but could be wrong. If someone knows fill us in please!
@145 Kregg Clarke beat Chance Demel at Regional(by Tech Fall), he also beat Steven Yergey @ kids state(major dec. 12-1). Not so sure if he will wrestle at 145 or 152 still undecided.
I believe that Austin Lopez will be at 138, Gage Younger at 145, and Riley Hunsicker either at 152 or 160 probably 160. That is the word on the street in Ellis Railroader country.
I might be wrong but the thought is that eric albers is wrestling a weight lowere moving everyone else down a weight class. Also i think that jason berkgren should be ranked at 170. He might not start out strong in the season but the kid knows how to kick it in gear at the end of the season. None of you might believe but that is the thought that i have( a fellow oakley plainsmen wrestle).
MMA fighter. I can tell you Snyder does not even weigh 160 and it is my understanding Biddle is under 160 at the moment too so I guess why would they wrestle 160? As far as Smith I have no idea you would have to ask him.