If you haven't notice I really don't like the Saturday weigh ins for novice tournaments.
I am working on a proposed change to the bylaws for next year to include language to make it acceptable for novice kids to weigh in on Friday just like the Open kids.
I think have them weighed in a day early hurt nothing for a novice tournament, again this is for novice only on Sundays.
I agree with that also but I figured this may be a baby step towards there. Like I have said before if someone is going to cheat in a novice tournament, they have a long road in this sport.
Why even have novice? Throw them all in open and rank them with the criteria. Tournaments can have A and B brackets. Then we could wrestle everyone on Saturday and not have Novice Sunday.
I like how Oklahoma does theres. Some tournaments have an open and novice division and then Divisions 1/3/5 (open and novice) start at 9am and then divisisons 2/4 (open and novice) start at 1pm