Miscellaneous Updates: Registrations on trackwrestling will now remain open thru 11:59 pm WEDNESDAY Jan 16. (Unless we get to 600 entrants earlier.)
We WILL be serving breakfast; including biscuits and gravy. We also will have have multiple other vendors; tshirts, trophies, concessions, etc.
On Thursday, monitor your email for login information on how to enter your wrestlers ACTUAL weights. (Please check your EMAIL's "junk mail" folder, if you do not see in your INBOX.)
Weighin information sent from my personal email. Be sure to check JUNK folder if you do not see an email from me; else CALL ME-913-707-2628.
HONOR SYSTEM - to help us all Weigh-ins can begin as early as Friday 9 a.m. ENTER ACTUAL WEIGHT for each wrestler. DO NOT PERFORM ANY SCRATCHES; instead call me to do it. WEIGH-in info needs entered by 7pm.
Best Luck and thanks for being a valued part of our tournament!
If coming for weighins (6pm-7pm only) tonight at ONWHS: -enter EAST side of building; use doors with small stairs -scales will be right inside the doors
There is basketball game going on at same time; so do not go to any other entrance.