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3 Time State Champs #215835 02/26/13 01:07 PM
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Cokeley Offline OP
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I have 2000 and before:

1987 1 (5A) Akin, Eric Miege 119
1988 1 (5A) Akin, Eric Miege 126
1989 1 (5A) Akin, Eric Miege 130
1968 1 (A-B) Ankenman, Tom Norton 103
1970 1 (3-2-1A) Ankenman, Tom Norton 115
1971 1 (3A) Ankenman, Tom Norton 119
1974 1 (3A) Baker, Kirk Goodland 126
1975 1 (3A) Baker, Kirk Goodland 132
1976 1 (All) Baker, Kirk Goodland 132
1989 1 (5A) Beeson, Chad Ark City 140
1990 1 (5A) Beeson, Chad Ark City 152
1991 1 (5A) Beeson, Chad Ark City 152
1977 1 (4A) Bell, Chris Salina Central 105
1978 1 (4A) Bell, Chris Salina Central 119
1979 1 (6A) Bell, Chris Salina Central 119
1983 1 (3-2-1A) Bollin, Chris Immaculata 98
1984 1 (3-2-1A) Bollin, Chris Immaculata 112
1985 1 (3-2-1A) Bollin, Chris Immaculata 119
1976 1 (3A) Bontz, Martin Kapaun Mount Carmel 105
1976 1 (All) Bontz, Martin Kapaun Mount Carmel 105
1978 1 (3A) Bontz, Martin Kapaun Mount Carmel 126
1974 1 (5A) Boyle, Bill Shawnee Mission West 155
1975 1 (5A) Boyle, Bill Shawnee Mission West 155
1975 1 (All) Boyle, Bill Shawnee Mission West 155
1995 1 (3-2-1A) Boyle, Jeff Norton 171
1996 1 (3-2-1A) Boyle, Jeff Norton 215
1997 1 (3-2-1A) Boyle, Jeff Norton 275
1989 1 (6A) Briggs, Brian Junction City 145
1990 1 (6A) Briggs, Brian Junction City 160
1991 1 (6A) Briggs, Brian Junction City 160
1980 1 (4A) Brown, Steve Beloit 126
1981 1 (3-2-1A) Brown, Steve Beloit 132
1982 1 (3-2-1A) Brown, Steve Beloit 145
1985 1 (4A) Canfield, Dave Concordia 112
1986 1 (4A) Canfield, Dave Concordia 119
1988 1 (4A) Canfield, Dave Concordia 126
1981 1 (4A) Charbonneau, Dennis Clay Center 126
1982 1 (4A) Charbonneau, Dennis Clay Center 126
1983 1 (4A) Charbonneau, Dennis Clay Center 126
1999 1 (4A) Clouse, Noah Atchison County 152
2000 1 (3-2-1A) Clouse, Noah Atchison County 189
2001 1 (3-2-1A) Clouse, Noah Atchison County 215
1996 1 (6A) Coleman, Scott Manhattan 171
1997 1 (6A) Coleman, Scott Manhattan 171
1998 1 (6A) Coleman, Scott Manhattan 171
1981 1 (6A) Coons, Jim Hutchison 98
1982 1 (6A) Coons, Jim Hutchison 105
1983 1 (6A) Coons, Jim Hutchison 119
1994 1 (3-2-1A) Dawes, Mike Andale 130
1995 1 (3-2-1A) Dawes, Mike Andale 140
1996 1 (4A) Dawes, Mike Andale 152
1978 1 (2-1A) DeLeon, Robert Leoti 98
1979 1 (3-2-1A) DeLeon, Robert Leoti 105
1981 1 (3-2-1A) DeLeon, Robert Leoti 119
1999 1 (4A) Devoe, Austin Columbus 103
2000 1 (4A) Devoe, Austin Columbus 112
2001 1 (4A) Devoe, Austin Columbus 119
1988 1 (4A) Dong, John Concordia 112
1989 1 (4A) Dong, John Concordia 119
1991 1 (4A) Dong, Johnathan Concordia 135
1979 1 (6A) Douglas, Mel Highland Park 167
1980 1 (6A) Douglas, Mel Highland Park 167
1981 1 (6A) Douglas, Mel Highland Park 167
1986 1 (6A) Dykstra, Tony Wichita South 119
1987 1 (6A) Dykstra, Tony Wichita South 126
1988 1 (6A) Dykstra, Tony Wichita South 126
1981 1 (6A) Fischer, Kenny Manhattan 155
1982 1 (6A) Fischer, Kenny Manhattan 155
1983 1 (6A) Fischer, Kenny Manhattan 155
1968 1 (A-B) Fisher, Roger Norton 95
1969 1 (3-2-1A) Fisher, Roger Norton 95
1970 1 (3-2-1A) Fisher, Roger Norton 98
1975 1 (2-1A) Frakes, Richard Douglass 105
1976 1 (2-1A) Frakes, Richard Douglass 105
1978 1 (2-1A) Frakes, Richard Douglass 126
1987 1 (4A) Franks, E.K. Wellington 138
1988 1 (4A) Franks, E.K. Wellington 145
1989 1 (4A) Franks, E.K. Wellington 152
1997 1 (3-2-1A) Gabel, Kelly Saint Francis 140
1998 1 (3-2-1A) Gabel, Kelly Saint Francis 145
1999 1 (3-2-1A) Gabel, Kelly Saint Francis 171
1989 1 (6A) George, Milton Wichita Northwest 140
1990 1 (6A) George, Milton Wichita Northwest 145
1991 1 (6A) George, Milton Wichita Northwest 152
1990 1 (3-2-1A) Geyer, Lyle Leoti 126
1991 1 (3-2-1A) Geyer, Lyle Leoti 130
1992 1 (3-2-1A) Geyer, Lyle Leoti 140
1990 1 (5A) Goodale, Scott Ark City 103
1991 1 (5A) Goodale, Scott Ark City 119
1992 1 (5A) Goodale, Scott Ark City 126
1981 1 (3-2-1A) Grieve, Larry Osborne Hwt
1982 1 (3-2-1A) Grieve, Larry Osborne Hwt
1983 1 (3-2-1A) Grieve, Larry Osborne Hwt
1966 1 (AA) Gull, Jon El Dorado 103
1967 1 (AA) Gull, Jon El Dorado 112
1968 1 (AA) Gull, Jon El Dorado 120
1992 1 (5A) Hankins, Allen Ark City 119
1993 1 (5A) Hankins, Allen Ark City 130
1994 1 (5A) Hankins, Allen Ark City 135
1984 1 (3-2-1A) Harding, Wes Southeast Saline 98
1985 1 (3-2-1A) Harding, Wes Southeast Saline 105
1986 1 (3-2-1A) Harding, Wes Southeast Saline 112
1980 1 (6A) Harrington, Eddie Derby 112
1981 1 (6A) Harrington, Eddie Derby 119
1982 1 (6A) Harrington, Eddie Derby 132
1979 1 (4A) Heidrick, Greg Beloit 105
1981 1 (3-2-1A) Heidrick, Greg Beloit 145
1982 1 (3-2-1A) Heidrick, Greg Beloit 155
1989 1 (5A) Hernandez, Chris Ark City 152
1990 1 (5A) Hernandez, Chris Ark City 171
1991 1 (5A) Hernandez, Chris Ark City 160
1980 1 (4A) Hewitt, Mark Beloit 98
1981 1 (3-2-1A) Hewitt, Mark Beloit 112
1983 1 (3-2-1A) Hewitt, Mark Beloit 132
1967 1 (A-B) Horning, Quentin Norton 138
1968 1 (A-B) Horning, Quentin Norton 138
1969 1 (3-2-1A) Horning, Quentin Norton 145
1995 1 (3-2-1A) Jenkins, Scott Saint Francis 112
1996 1 (3-2-1A) Jenkins, Scott Saint Francis 112
1997 1 (3-2-1A) Jenkins, Scott Saint Francis 130
1983 1 (3-2-1A) Johnson, Toby Beloit 105
1984 1 (4A) Johnson, Toby Beloit 112
1986 1 (4A) Johnson, Toby Belot 138
1974 1 (2-1A) Jones, Terry Oakley 126
1975 1 (2-1A) Jones, Terry Oakley 132
1976 1 (2-1A) Jones, Terry Oakley 132
1985 1 (5A) Keller, Neil Kapaun Mount Carmel 105
1986 1 (5A) Keller, Neil Kapaun Mount Carmel 119
1987 1 (5A) Keller, Neil Kapaun Mount Carmel 126
1999 1 (5A) Klein, Jacob Kapaun Mount Carmel 145
2000 1 (5A) Klein, Jacob Kapaun Mount Carmel 152
2001 1 (5A) Klein, Jacob Kapaun Mount Carmel 160
1979 1 (4A) Koehler, Eric Nemaha Valley 155
1980 1 (4A) Koehler, Eric Nemaha Valley 167
1981 1 (4A) Koehler, Eric Nemaha Valley 167
1987 1 (6A) Kraft, Joe Emporia 132
1988 1 (6A) Kraft, Joe Emporia 145
1989 1 (6A) Kraft, Joe Emporia 152
1965 1 (All) Lampe, Steve Colby 95
1966 1 (A-B) Lampe, Steve Colby 103
1967 1 (A-B) Lampe, Steve Colby 112
1966 1 (AA) Landes, Valdon Wellington 138
1967 1 (AA) Landes, Valdon Wellington 145
1968 1 (AA) Landes, Valdon Wellington 154
1976 1 (3A) Lollar, Jack Scott City 112
1977 1 (3A) Lollar, Jack Scott City 119
1974 1 (3A) Loller, Jack Scott City 98
1976 1 (5A) Luschen, Scott Shawnee Mission South 145
1977 1 (5A) Luschen, Scott Shawnee Mission South 155
1978 1 (5A) Luschen, Scott Shawnee Mission South 167
1992 1 (4A) Madison, Britt Ulysses 130
1993 1 (4A) Madison, Britt Ulysses 135
1994 1 (4A) Madison, Britt Ulysses 135
1979 1 (6A) Milsap, Lance Wichita North 112
1980 1 (6A) Milsap, Lance Wichita North 119
1981 1 (6A) Milsap, Lance Wichita North 132
1984 1 (6A) Morrow, Doug Derby 145
1985 1 (6A) Morrow, Doug Derby 145
1986 1 (6A) Morrow, Doug Derby 155
1953 1 (All) Neville, Lyle Saint Francis 133
1954 1 (All) Neville, Lyle Saint Francis 138
1955 1 (All) Neville, Lyle Saint Francis 145
1946 1 (All) Neville, Paul Saint Francis 103
1948 1 (All) Neville, Paul Saint Francis 133
1949 1 (All) Neville, Paul Saint Francis 133
1993 1 (4A) Ngo, Chris Concordia 103
1994 1 (4A) Ngo, Chris Concordia 112
1995 1 (4A) Ngo, Chris Concordia 119
1980 1 (5A) Noce, Cliff Emporia 119
1981 1 (5A) Noce, Cliff Emporia 132
1982 1 (5A) Noce, Cliff Emporia 138
1994 1 (6A) Patch, Kyle Harmon 119
1992 1 (5A) Patch, Kyle Schlagle 103
1993 1 (5A) Patch, Kyle Schlagle 112
1996 1 (4A) Pfizenmaier, Brandon Clay Center 140
1997 1 (4A) Pfizenmaier, Brandon Clay Center 145
1998 1 (4A) Pfizenmaier, Brandon Clay Center 145
1972 1 (2-1A) Pope, Steve Hoxie 98
1973 1 (2-1A) Pope, Steve Hoxie 112
1974 1 (2-1A) Pope, Steve Hoxie 119
1969 1 (5-4A) Ramirez, Jim Ark City 103
1970 1 (5-4A) Ramirez, Jim Ark City 105
1971 1 (5-4A) Ramirez, Jim Ark City 119
1979 1 (5A) Ray, David Carroll 119
1980 1 (5A) Ray, David Carroll 126
1981 1 (5A) Ray, David Goddard 138
1988 1 (3-2-1A) Rechtfertig, Brent Wellsville 105
1989 1 (3-2-1A) Rechtfertig, Brent Wellsville 119
1991 1 (3-2-1A) Rechtfertig, Brent Wellsville 140
1986 1 (4A) Roark, Matt Columbus 105
1987 1 (4A) Roark, Matt Columbus 119
1989 1 (4A) Roark, Matt Columbus 145
1989 1 (4A) Roark, Randy Columbus 126
1991 1 (4A) Roark, Randy Columbus 140
1992 1 (4A) Roark, Randy Columbus 145
1988 1 (3-2-1A) Shelton, Aaron Phillipsburg 98
1989 1 (3-2-1A) Shelton, Aaron Phillipsburg 103
1990 1 (3-2-1A) Shelton, Aaron Phillipsburg 112
1956 1 (All) Shepard, Wayne Hoxie 112
1957 1 (All) Shepard, Wayne Hoxie 112
1958 1 (All) Shepard, Wayne Hoxie 115
1999 1 (4A) Speer, Gerrard Scott City 189
2000 1 (4A) Speer, Gerrard Scott City 215
2001 1 (4A) Speer, Gerrard Scott City 215
1979 1 (5A) Spencer, Pat Kapaun Mount Carmel 138
1980 1 (5A) Spencer, Pat Kapaun Mount Carmel 145
1981 1 (5A) Spencer, Pat Kapaun Mount Carmel 155
1979 1 (3-2-1A) Sporer, Troy Oakley 138
1980 1 (3-2-1A) Sporer, Troy Oakley 138
1981 1 (3-2-1A) Sporer, Troy Oakley 138
1975 1 (4A) Stueve, Mark Emporia 155
1976 1 (4A) Stueve, Mark Emporia 155
1976 1 (All) Stueve, Mark Emporia 155
1991 1 (5A) Terry, Temoer McPherson 135
1992 1 (5A) Terry, Temoer McPherson 145
1993 1 (5A) Terry, Temoer McPherson 152
1996 1 (4A) Tillman, Beau Pratt 103
1997 1 (4A) Tillman, Beau Pratt 112
1999 1 (4A) Tillman, Beau Pratt 125
1976 1 (4A) Tolbert, Herbert Newton 112
1976 1 (All) Tolbert, Herbert Newton 112
1977 1 (4A) Tolbert, Herbert Newton 126
1995 1 (5A) Vandever, Travis Ark City 106
1996 1 (5A) Vandever, Travis Ark City 119
1997 1 (5A) Vandever, Travis Ark City 125
1950 1 (All) Votopka, Dale Oberlin 103
1951 1 (All) Votopka, Dale Oberlin 103
1952 1 (All) Votopka, Dale Oberlin 103
1984 1 (6A) Wilson, Lance Blue Valley 112
1987 1 (5A) Wilson, Lance Blue Valley North 138
1986 1 (6A) Wilson, Lance Blue Valley Stillwell 132
1973 1 (4A) Witherspoon, Bernard Liberal 138
1974 1 (4A) Witherspoon, Bernard Liberal 145
1975 1 (4A) Witherspoon, Bernard Liberal 145
1948 1 (All) Young Wichita East 103
1949 1 (All) Young Wichita East 120
1947 1 (All) Young, H. Wichita East 112
1974 1 (2-1A) Zuege, Leslie Saint Francis Hwt
1975 1 (2-1A) Zuege, Leslie Saint Francis Hwt
1975 1 (All) Zuege, Leslie Saint Francis Hwt

Will Cokeley
Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: Cokeley] #215838 02/26/13 01:26 PM
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usawks1 Offline
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One thing I was always remember is depending on your school district, 4 year high schools were not as common before the mid 70's. I was in Junior High for 3 years and High School for 3 years!

That is a pretty impressive list Will ... still an outstanding accomplishment!!

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
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Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: usawks1] #215839 02/26/13 01:30 PM
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effwhyeye Offline
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Chris Pursel ACCHS?

Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: usawks1] #215841 02/26/13 01:41 PM
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Hilbillywrassler Offline
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Any stories out there about guys winning 3 who should have won 4 but got hurt, big upset, bad call, ineligible, etc? See several who won it as freshman but only won 3. I heard there was a guy out there who got 2nd 4 times. Any truth to that?

Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: Hilbillywrassler] #215845 02/26/13 02:07 PM
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tking Offline
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Wes Harding.. very bad officiating that was as much driven by personal feelings as in bad calls

Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: tking] #215848 02/26/13 02:15 PM
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tking Offline
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Will - Can you get a list of most runner up finishes? I think there was a kid from Smith Center who was runner up all for years to the same Beloit kid. I cant remember for sure. With your history ability I figured you could confirm or deny rather quickly.

Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: tking] #215854 02/26/13 02:42 PM
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Jonathan Dong - 88, 89, 91
Chris Ngo - 93, 94, 95
Jake Strait - 02, 03, 04
and the previously mentioned Dave Canfield - 85, 86, 88

Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: DOUG MOORE] #215858 02/26/13 02:55 PM
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nate Offline
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Reece Wright-Conklin 3x State Champion Lawrence High 2010, 2011, 2012

Last edited by nate; 02/26/13 02:56 PM.
Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: Hilbillywrassler] #215863 02/26/13 03:47 PM
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wrestlingspectat Offline
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Originally Posted By: Hilbillywrassler
Any stories out there about guys winning 3 who should have won 4 but got hurt, big upset, bad call, ineligible, etc? See several who won it as freshman but only won 3. I heard there was a guy out there who got 2nd 4 times. Any truth to that?

Biggest one that comes to mind is Beau Tillman of Pratt.
He was a 2X State Champion in the finals his Junior year and came up against 1X State Champion Jeremy Long in his Sophmore season. Tillman was handling Long with relative ease and then out of nowhere (although not entirely unexpected) Long threw a beautiful headlock and pinned Tillman. Beau would go one to win his 3rd in his Senior Year and Long would go on to win 2 more and become a 4X.

I still remember the sound the crowd made when Long threw that headlock.

Last edited by wrestlingspectat; 02/26/13 03:48 PM.
Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: wrestlingspectat] #215866 02/26/13 04:04 PM
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Dylan Campbell Offline
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Levi Younkin - Oakley
Tyler Baker - Hoxie

Dylan Campbell
Oakley, KS
Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: Dylan Campbell] #215869 02/26/13 04:06 PM
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Dylan Campbell Offline
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Also Troy Sporer - Oakley back in the 70's. Pinned himself in the finals his freshman year and took 2nd.

Terry Jones - Oakley also in the 70's. Played basketball his freshman year and won the next 3.

Dylan Campbell
Oakley, KS
Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: Dylan Campbell] #215871 02/26/13 04:26 PM
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jaguarfan Offline
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Jake Gentzler from Andover Central won 3, losing in the finals to Ark City's Garrett Jones in a close one his sophomore year. Jake beat Garrett in a finals rematch the next year.

Daniel DeShazer from Wichita Heights followed the same pattern, winning as a freshman, junior and senior, and finishing runnerup as a sophomore.

Preston Weigel from Hays is a junior 2-timer. As a freshman he lost in the finals to Andover Central's Alex Bontz, a 2-timer himself.

Of course Salina South's Javier Vieyra finished runnerup to Andover Central's Zac Gentzler three straight years.

Last edited by jaguarfan; 02/26/13 07:11 PM.
Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: Dylan Campbell] #215876 02/26/13 05:15 PM
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Cokeley Offline OP
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Originally Posted By: Dylan Campbell
Also Troy Sporer - Oakley back in the 70's. Pinned himself in the finals his freshman year and took 2nd.

Terry Jones - Oakley also in the 70's. Played basketball his freshman year and won the next 3.

Troy graduated in '81 so 79, 80, 81 SC and that must have happened in '78.

Will Cokeley
Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: Cokeley] #215879 02/26/13 05:23 PM
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Cokeley Offline OP
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Beloit had four 3xers that failed in different years:

Steve Brown his Fr year. (He may not have been on varsity?)
Greg Heidrick his So year. (I think he was varsity and Brown JV)
Mark Hewitt his Jr year.
Toby Johnson his Jr year.

Only Matt Treaster emerged from the Beloit dynasty as a 4xer.

Will Cokeley
Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: Cokeley] #215881 02/26/13 05:39 PM
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Jordan Stewart Offline
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Earl Jones- THE VILLE-last title in 03???? capping off 3 in a row if im not mistaken.

Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: Jordan Stewart] #215891 02/26/13 07:49 PM
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L Grater Offline
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Danny Grater - 3X Undefeated 4A State Champ (2003, 2004, 2005)

Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: L Grater] #215892 02/26/13 08:17 PM
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objective Offline
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Chris Pursel Atchison County, 2003, 2004,2005

Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: objective] #215897 02/26/13 08:41 PM
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James Stout Offline
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Ross Taplin-Abilene

The Smith Center Wrestler 4X runner-up was Eric Stewart, His son Jacob, is a senior for Bennington(co-op with Minneapolis) this season. I do not believe he lost to the same person all 4 years. (maybe once or twice to 4Xer Matt Treaster??)

Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: James Stout] #215908 02/26/13 09:02 PM
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321a Wrestler Offline
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Floyd of Osborne won 3. Brandon Pheifer was a 3x runner up. Chris Lampe of St Francis 3x runner up won it as a senior. Derek Jones of Hoxie 2x state champ 2x runner up

Re: 3 Time State Champs [Re: 321a Wrestler] #215914 02/26/13 09:49 PM
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Crossface King Offline
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Dustin Reed Colby 2011-13

Jonathan Whisnant
Goodland High School-USD 352
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