They sent an email out awhile ago saying that they will soon have an Iphone app to watch the videos on.
here is the copy of the email the sent out two weeks ago:
Hi Kevin:
We hope your season is going well. This message contains news of updates to both the app and the website. Please share this email with all coaches and managers on your team.
NEW! Version 3.8
An update (Version 3.8) to the iPad app became available in the App Store on 1/13/16. Before updating the app, you should make sure you upload anything that hasn't been uploaded from your iPads first. Then, make sure you update EACH of your iPads.
The list of fixes includes:
� Fixed issue where high schools in Michigan weren't getting the correct set of weight classes
� Apostrophes in names and schools are now caught before causing problems
� Alert now pops up on the recording screen when a tech fall is reached
� A clock showing elapsed recording time now appears at the bottom of the recording screen
� Fixed the college stalling progression (WS, S1, S1, S1, ...)
� The app now does a full refresh of the upload screen at the completion of the upload to actually compare what was sent with what arrived in your Amazon folder
� Modified the event sync process so that the chances of orphan matches and duplicates are greatly reduced
� The list of opposing schools when selecting rosters now appears in alphabetical order
� Various smaller bug fixes
Also, after downloading the new version from the App Store, when the download completes you will be presented with a button that says 'OPEN' in the App Store window. Make sure you hit that 'OPEN' button or the update does NOT get installed.
After you update, you can check the version number by following the directions below. Again, after updating, you want that version number to be 3.8.
To look up your version number, open the Settings app, touch 'General' on the left-hand side and then in the list that appears, touch 'Storage & iCloud Usage' on the right. Then in the TOP section labeled 'Storage' touch 'Manage Storage'. In the list that appears, find MatBoss and touch it. In the info that appears, right next to the MatBoss icon, you will see a version number.
Phone App Now Available
Some of you have already figured this out, but the phone app is now live for coaches and wrestlers. It works through the mobile Google Chrome web browser, just like the regular site. So the first thing you need to do is get Chrome installed on your phone. Second, start up Chrome, go to our homepage ( and click the login button just like you normally would. After logging in, the site will detect that you are logging in using a small screen and will take you to the phone version of the site. Here you�ll find a modified version of the video page for your team where you can filter matches and watch video. It does not have all the bells and whistles of the regular site - But it does allow both you and your wrestlers to view all of your team�s video.
Backend (Online Account) Updates
� Added alerts when roster or event changes are made, reminding user to sync those changes with their iPads
� Mobile app now available
� Fixed category leaders report to allow for leaders in each of the scorebooks rather than just A-Squad
� Fixed bug in category leaders report that left out wrestlers with no losses
� Filtered out '(null)' values in reports and displays
� Fixed bug where hitting 'Cancel' button when adding a new scoring symbol caused the last symbol to be deleted
� Replaced the Save alert on video editor with a gif animation to eliminate an extra click for the user
� Several reports now have an option where you can select a time period (past week, month, entire season) for which matches should be included
� Added a news ticker at the top of the coaches' dashboard page, where the latest announcements and news from MatBoss will be displayed
� Modified the server code that is used for syncing events to the iPads
� Added a gif animation to the Reports page that gives the user a visual cue to wait while the server processes
� Added a report to be used by Illinois high schools for certifying their individual season results
� Fixed bug where some wrestlers couldn�t change their passwords
� Miscellaneous bug fixes
My iPad is Full!
We�ve been getting more support requests on this recently, so we thought it�d be good to include it in this email. If you aren�t deleting matches from the iPad(s) after they�ve been uploaded, they stay on the device. If they stay on the device, eventually all those big video files are going to use up all the available storage. That is why we stress that you follow the MatBoss workflow, which is described in the next section.
To delete matches and video, you should go to the Scorebook screen inside the MatBoss app, and find events that have been uploaded. To delete, just hold your finger on the event and swipe to the left, which will reveal a red �Remove� button. Touch that button and all match data and video from that event will get deleted off the iPad. This gives storage back to the device so that you can record more matches.
MatBoss Workflow
1. Upload
2. Check in your online account and make sure all match data and video is there
3. Delete the matches off the iPad to make room for future recording
4. Edit/Move matches
Exporting Events to TrackWrestling
In order to export events to TW, they need to be formatted differently. If you set up your schedule in your TrackWrestling account and then imported all your events into MatBoss, you don�t need to read the rest of this section. However, if you didn�t, and now need to export events that are not showing up in the export list, you have some prep work to do in order for us to convert them to TrackWrestling formatting. These are events that do not show up in your export list.
In order to convert an event, the first thing you�ll have to do is make sure there is a matching event inside your TrackWrestling account with the same date, same name (spelling counts), same level (Varsity, JV, etc) and same event type (dual meet or individual tournament). If there isn�t a matching event in TW, you�ll need to create a new one. Remember, EVERY dual meet should be set up as its own event, even if it was part of a dual tournament, triangular or quad. Do this for each event you wish to export.
Next, log into your MatBoss account and go to the TrackWrestling page. At the bottom of the page in red, you�ll see directions on how to submit a list of events to us that need to be converted. Once we receive that information, we�ll do the conversion and send you a confirmation that it is finished. At that point, you can then export the events over to TW.
Once again, from all of us here at MatBoss,Thank you. Good luck to you and your wrestlers as we move toward the postseason!