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State Series Review Committee Meeting #238954 01/26/16 07:29 PM
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Matthew Treaster Offline OP
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Here are the notes from our first ad hoc state series review committee meeting. Please review our ideas and give us feedback. Let us know the problems you see with our ideas. We want input from the membership as we go through this process. Any proposal that this committee comes up with will be given to the USAW-Kansas board for review. If the board approves the proposal then it will come to the State Body at the next State Body meeting in October. No change to the state series structure could take place until the 2018 Kids State Tournament.

This is a summary of our meeting held on January 24, 2016. Each of the committee members have volunteered to serve on the committee. The members present were: Chad Beeson, Matt Treaster, Daniel Reling, Doug Eck, Ed Edison, Joe Knecht, Jonathan Whisnant, Mark Stanley, Scott Schroeder, Tracy Peterson, Will Cokeley, and Zach Campbell. Unable to attend were: Billy Johnson, Cody Parks, Richard Salyer, Ryan Salyer, James Cook, and Travis Keal.

The first hour of the meeting was a brainstorming session on our state series of throwing out ideas of potential changes and discussion of problems those changes might cause. The focus was, “What is best for the kids?” We then made a list of Priorities to see how our ideas could dovetail with our Priorities. Our priorities were then listed as 1) Funding for USAW-KS, 2) Expense to Families, 3) Kids Finish Earlier, 4) 6U Included in State Series 5) Better Fan Base Experience, 6) Grow Participation, 7) Reduce Qualifying Tournaments.

As we discussed the ideas we had come up with in light of these priorities the group came to a consensus to look at the possibility of the following: Splitting the state series into two tournaments. The first tournament would involve the 6, 8, and 10U divisions and be a one day State Tournament held the weekend before the High School Regionals (approx. 2nd weekend in February, district would be 1st weekend in February). The first state tournament would have approximately 950 competitors. There would be a district tournament qualifier from each of the four districts. The second State tournament would be a one day tournament for the 12, 14 and HS divisions and be held two weeks following the KSHSAA State Tournament with a District qualifier one week after KSHSAA state tourneys. The second tournament would have approximately 850 competitors. The registration fee for the State tournaments would be increased by $10-15, or $30-35 (currently it is $20)to offset the $22,000 we receive from the host city organizations. The idea being that this small increase would easily be offset by having to spend two nights in a hotel and meals for two days as our state tournament is currently set up and the savings for not having to attend a sub-district.

A survey will be sent to our membership through Survey Monkey to ask for input from the membership on possible changes. (If a person wants to participate in the survey but they do not believe their email or their wrestler’s email is on file with USA Wrestling, then they can forward their name, email address, club name, and card number (participant or coach) to Joe Knecht at joe.knecht@gmail.com. Once the survey is done we will be able to send each club leader a breakdown of their parents’ and members' responses, which will allow them to determine what their club’s sentiment is.

The next meeting of this ad hoc committee will be at the Salina Bi-Centennial Center on February 28 at 10:00 a.m. This meeting will be held in conjunction with the 6U State/Elementary Duals State.

Matt Treaster
State Folkstyle Director

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: Matthew Treaster] #238978 01/27/16 12:13 PM
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jeremy sekavec Offline
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I have a few questions. 1) if we are splitting the tournament up where will the tournaments be held? If held in Topeka both times it will do parents that have multiple kids in the sport any good because they will have to drive to topeka twice most likely. By the time you figure wear and tear on vehicles, gas, food, time off, etc, you are better off having one tournament. 2) Like the idea of ending earlier but are you going to put a restriction on when the season can start? If not you will be seeing tournaments in November. Tournaments are the main fundraiser for a lot of clubs. 3) Since we are moving the season up, are you willing to compensate the teams that are locked in for march tournaments for the loss of funds? There are many issues we need to look at when making all these decisions.

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: jeremy sekavec] #238979 01/27/16 12:31 PM
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Hawks Offline
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I do not like the idea of splitting up the state tournament into 2 different weekends. And why are you looking at cutting the wrestling season down by a month and a half. I do understand that wrestling is not a cheap sport with travel and entry expenses but if you cant afford it you don't have to go every weekend. I would hate to see the season get shortened that much. This must have been Cokeleys idea.

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: Hawks] #238987 01/27/16 01:21 PM
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greendog Offline
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I know there have been talks of a change like the proposed one discussed at the state meeting improving Kansas performance at the notational level. I think if this new proposed state format went through it would make our state's performance worse. Here is why. My son currently wrestles a few national tournaments during the regular season. We also compete in at least one maybe two after the state tournament. If the state tournament is moved up we wouldn't compete in any of the national tournaments in April. Because our club would shut down for 6, 8, & 10 after the state tournament. Therefore my son would not compete in any April tournaments. My other problem is I have kids in the older and the younger state tournament. I would prefer to go to only one state tournament.

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: Hawks] #238990 01/27/16 01:30 PM
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Teamroper Offline
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There are several reasons it is being considered.

Just so everyone is aware Kansas is the last state in the US to have their Kid's State and their HS State.

Iowa is this weekend, OK start their series this weekend.

Think of it this way this would save 3-4 trips to other tournaments that would be held those weekends. The team is trying to develop ideas that will cut down on parents expense and still increase participation. We also realize and even some in the room that have kids that would go to both state series tournaments. Again these are all ideas and work in progress. Again look at the main drivers for the ideas to change, those are the reasons why, and sure we have to figure out logically how it will work and be effective.

If you feel like you have any other ideas and don't want to share them on the forum feel free to email me at tracy.peterson@oneok.com

Tracy Peterson
Buhler, KS
Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: greendog] #238991 01/27/16 01:30 PM
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ThomasGT Offline
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I just wanted to say "Thanks!" to the individuals willing to sacrifice their personal time to try and improve wrestling in our state! I don't have time to share all of my thoughts right now, but I would be in favor of ending the season a bit earlier and I'm in favor of doing away with sub-districts.

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: ThomasGT] #238992 01/27/16 01:36 PM
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greendog Offline
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Moving the tournament up would also prevent us from competing at the various national duals in April.

Last edited by greendog; 01/27/16 01:36 PM.
Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: greendog] #238993 01/27/16 01:42 PM
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Teamroper Offline
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Originally Posted By: greendog
Moving the tournament up would also prevent us from competing at the various national duals in April.

How so?

Tracy Peterson
Buhler, KS
Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: Teamroper] #238997 01/27/16 02:09 PM
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maizemom Offline
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Not every middle school league has the same season and having the 12, 14, and HS tournament two weeks after high school state would be a problem for us (Pioneer league, 25 schools). For example, this year KSHSAA state 2/26-2/27. If we have qualifying that following weekend - that is our middle school league tournament, so our middle school wrestlers would not be able to compete if they wrestled for their school.

I also don't like ending our younger kids season so early. We can't start any earlier, as we are competing with youth football schedules. We are trying to build the sport, yet shortening the season. So many clubs hold their tournaments for fund raisers, so fewer weeks to hold their tournaments.

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: Teamroper] #238998 01/27/16 02:10 PM
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greendog Offline
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Our club would shut down for the younger kids following the state tournament in Mid February. A majority of the kids/families wrestling in Kansas end of the season and major goal is the state tournament. Therefore we wouldn't have anyone one to wrestle with for the next two months (mid February-mid April). I would have my sons compete at a national level without them having any practice. We have a hard enough time finding practice partners for the first two weeks in April after the state tournament. I hope that made sense.

We are only one family. There are many other families the new proposed state series may work well for. I am not trying to offend anyone. Just letting people know how it would affect my family.

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: greendog] #239001 01/27/16 02:38 PM
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bradbee Offline
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As a wrestling fan and a parent of 2 young wrestlers I have some concerns.

My first question…. Are we really trying to make it easier for everyone or are we just trying to move dates and make it easier for high school wrestlers to continue after their season. We will not get the elite high school wrestlers to join kids state after their season. The ones that are wanting to move to the next level (prepare for college wrestling) are moving on to prepare for summer wrestling and other national tournaments. They have nothing to prove by trying to repeat their performance at high school state two weeks later. It will not be a “Grand State.” We are better to drop the high school division completely. Encourage them to move on to bigger and better things, that is what will help them and Kansas Wrestling.

Next… If we move our dates up to me done in the middle of February instead of the end of March we add some new problems. Most clubs run tournaments as “Fund Raisers” (I would still like to know where most of that money goes). Fewer weeks to wrestle means one of three things, 1. Start tournaments dates sooner (good luck competing with football which does not end until beginning of November.) 2. More tournaments on the same weekend which will decrease the numbers at each tournament therefore making clubs raise prices to overcome smaller numbers (in the last 10 years to average cost of tournaments have doubled.) 3. Tournaments will continue after the state series. This also leads to smaller numbers as most kids end when state is over. (Which again raises the rates.)

Finally…. We don’t want to cheapen the state series by just making it another tournament that is hurried up and wrestled in one day. Most kids work towards state as their goal every year, we want it to be a big special tournament, not just another weekend. Not to mention you will be competing with Liberty National, I would like my kids to have the option to do both.

And a side note…. Volunteer coaches would have to make another trip with added expense to them to coach at both state tournaments. (Or I guess they could just go to one of the two state tournaments and have to choose which half of their club to coach.) Not to mention the parents that have wrestlers in both state tournaments, this adds expense to them. And we would need double the volunteers to run tables, set up mats, ect., ect.,….

What is our real goal….

Brad Beeson

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: bradbee] #239002 01/27/16 03:31 PM
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J. Besco Offline
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Why not do all divisions in one weekend but split it up to be one day tournaments for each age group? Wouldn't cost more for parents with multiple kids qualifying.

Looking at the calendar you could do a district tournament the weekend before hs state and then state the weekend afterward. Obviously this would eliminate the hs division.

This would allow summer wrestling to get started a little earlier and give the high school kids a week off before FS/GR, instead of taking it off while training is taking place.

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: bradbee] #239004 01/27/16 04:04 PM
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Matthew Treaster Offline OP
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We appreciate the thoughts and ideas. Please keep them coming.

Matt Treaster

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: greendog] #239005 01/27/16 04:06 PM
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JCook Offline
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I would bet if someone wants to wrestle, they will find a way. If they want to practice, they will find a way.

TEAM KANSAS will compete in the national duals just like they have in the past.

We need to think outside the box.

James Cook
Smoky Valley
Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: JCook] #239006 01/27/16 04:23 PM
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bradbee Offline
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Now that I posed what I see as problems….. Here is what I think may help.

First…. More quality tournaments, less quantity tournaments. I know that clubs count on the fund raising from tournaments, (still not sure where that money goes) but would not one 950 kid tournament split and ran by 2 or 3 clubs that split the money do better than three tournaments that are under staffed with 300 participants. That would lead to more diversity in opponents instead of the same 4 kids in a round robin every weekend. Get rid of the novice division…. All of the younger kids are novice, if you want more kids to get medals, then place the top 8. Kids get tired of the same bracket every week.

Next…. Have four district approved qualifiers each year that will award points to determine the seeds at district. This will eliminate any question of seeds and it will encourage better participation in these tournaments that can be rotated and shared among clubs each year for “Fund Raising”. It also make subs less necessary because district will seed it self.

Finally…. 14U is as old as we go… wrestle districts the week after High School State. Then start summer programs with High School and club coming together if they choose. Encourage your High Schoolers to act as mentors and coaches for the two weeks following High School State, builds good character and help little guys who look up to big guys. Keeps high school wrestlers engaged in the sport but allows small break to heal and motivate. It would also be a chance to begin training our coaches and officials of the future.

Side note…. We can work with clubs to transition to freestyle and have more clubs that see the benefits of running freestyle tournaments. This will allow a smoother easier transition and encourage those that enjoy the sport to look forward to freestyle state and not end with folk style… I believe this will help accomplish the goals you have set out.

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: JCook] #239007 01/27/16 05:11 PM
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greendog Offline
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Originally Posted By: JCook
I would bet if someone wants to wrestle, they will find a way. If they want to practice, they will find a way.

TEAM KANSAS will compete in the national duals just like they have in the past.

We need to think outside the box.

Due to geographical location we have a hard enough time finding practice partners and such for the first two weeks in April. Clubs completely shut down after Kids state within a 75 mile radius. Summer/Freestyle wrestling is almost non-existent in that same area. The fact is 85% of kids/families involved with wrestling set their season goals on Kids state.

So many kids around here also transition to Baseball/Track in early April.

So I hope you see the difficulty we have with practice in regards to your statement... "If they want to practice, they will find a way. "

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: greendog] #239008 01/27/16 05:22 PM
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bradbee Offline
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That is another reason to transition to freestyle faster and make a triple crown the goal.... gets kids engaged in freestyle before the other sports start. Just need to do it the right way.

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: bradbee] #239011 01/27/16 06:15 PM
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jeremy sekavec Offline
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problem with that is, traveling baseball starts in january and february out here so moving the dates will not effect the numbers in FS/GR. I understand greendog. Most cases out here you will have to travel about 45 miles to get someone that does FS/GR. Plus you will never get the numbers in Western Kansas like you do in Eastern Kansas. No matter what you do, it will NEVER happen. There is way too much other stuff they are involved in and kids usually don't specialize in one sport out here. So to get the kids engaged would mean we would have to end the season in January. Noble idea but just wont work. Look at the numbers at FS/GR state last year. What did we have 150 kids each series entered? Shortening the season wont make that change.

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: jeremy sekavec] #239013 01/27/16 06:19 PM
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jeremy sekavec Offline
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Team Kansas duals are great but that is what 4 teams 14 sports each? 56-70 kids out of the how many we have in the sport now? How is that helping the broad aspect of the sport? When the state makes the changes they are going to have to look at the broad picture for everyone or we will lose the kids. We can not isolate to just a define group or we are bound to fail

Re: State Series Review Committee Meeting [Re: jeremy sekavec] #239014 01/27/16 06:31 PM
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Jason Garrett Offline
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I come from a smaller club in a smaller geographical area. We don’t have access to a “super power” club or have one close, we have more beginners and average wrestlers than state placers.

I like the season ending earlier but would prefer early March over early February. We can all say that the season wouldn’t start earlier but we also know inevitably it would happen.
Football season overlapping truly is a valid concern. I don’t believe you should tell young kids to choose a sport.

I also don’t like splitting up into 2 state tournaments, takes allot of the big stage atmosphere away.

Several people asked what happens to the money from smaller tournaments. Some of that money is used to buy things like singlets, club t-shirts, help pay for USAW cards for the less fortunate, scales, mat cleaning supplies etc.

I agree with others that many of the smaller clubs located away from “city” would just shut the doors until next year.

I don’t understand why just because we are the last state done is that really a big deal? Do those elite wrestlers in KS miss an opportunity at a national tournament because of our state tournament?

We enjoy some of the smaller tournaments and are OK with making the trip to them. Again the club we go to is a beginner or average club, going to those tournaments gives those kids that aren’t the elite wrestlers an opportunity to compete.

High class should not be thrown away. There are many kids that compete in that class that are not the state placers from the big boy tournament. They are the younger JV kids or average wrestlers and it has proven to be beneficial for them.

The thought process of if they want to practice they will find a way shows just how out of touch some people are.

Not everyone is going to do freestyle or summer wrestling that has to sink in with some people. Back to smaller clubs not in the city.

Good thoughts and progress is good but we have to be careful not to just think about this from an elite club near a city mentality. Also not everyone is going to do freestyle no matter how bad some want it.

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