Alot of thank yous to hand out. Thank you Mike Bell and Visit Topeka / Topeka Lodging staff. You guys always make us feel appriciated. Thank you Baylea and Doug for being on point for the Expo. Thank you District Directors and State Tourney Committee for all your work. You helped gather up a cracker jack group of volunteers. Thank you Daniel Reling for all you do getting brackets set and cabling the arena...and all your work keeping things on time during the tourney. Thank you Alecia Edwards for helping organize all my did a wonderful job making things run smoothly. Other than local help you and Scott were the first ones to Topeka and the last ones to leave staying yo clean up. Thank you Jr. Viking coaches and put up with me and that saying alot.
Thank you to all who volunteer at tables, at the head table, and with awards. Thank you to all of the local coaches and wrestlers that gave up some of your week of individual preperation and came helped us unload, roll out mats, clean up and load up last Monday...Ogden Outlaws, Jackson County, Blue Thunder, and Jr Vikings you are all very much appriciated.
I am always amaized at the job "we" all do each year. This tourney may be hosted i Topeka but it is an event "we" can all be proud of. If i forgot to mention anyone it wasn't on purpose...we could not do it wthout your help. See you next year!