Okay Aaron. I'm certain you know more than I. Enough and end of statement. I'm not sure it's necessary to go through your algorithms. This got taken WAY OUT of context in an incomplete statement, thought, idea, process and inadvertently shared on a mobile device. End of story.
Unnecessary forum comment Mr. President, my apologies.
You a forgiving Man?
Coach Albright was the Regional Coach of the Year! So how could it have been him? He's done an Incredible Job with his Wrestling Team!! I don't understand that comment at all & I'm telling you KUDOS TO THE ENTIRE CHANUTE COACHING STAFF! IF YOU Have a problem with that then that's NOT MY PROBLEM.
THE PROBLEM WAS AS MENTIONED those seated in the bleachers could not see the wrestlers wrestling! No problems for finals!
1. I don't know more than the mad mom that was at the tournament because I was in Orange City, Ia announcing a tournament.
2. The "algorithms" as you state are simple. You said Coach Albright of the hosting school should have been asked prior to his 3 ejections and him being allowed to stay.
3. WAY OUT OF CONTEXT?! You are the one that freaked out after opening a can of worms and stating Coach Albright had 3 ejections.
4. Blaming a phone on something being posted.....You still have the opportunity to proof read before hitting enter. I don't buy that....were you trying to say a coach that was alright got 3 ejections...I could kinda see that if I turned my head sideways up my rear-end too.
5. Problem with Coach Albright being the COTY? Again using your own words....I'm certain you know more than me...in fact I didn't even know he got that award until you tried covering your tracks and got busted for calling him out.
6. The Problem you originally mentioned put blame on Coach Albright and then in anger you must have thought he got ejected.
7. Word for the wise.....not sure what year your kid is in, but college coaches avoid helicopter parent's kids regardless of the talent they have.
8. I will send Coach Vanderlinden some TUMS from the indigestion he probably gets from you hitting enter too quick in texts.