In addition to my duties as director of coaches development for the state of Kansas, I'm also our state's Safe Sport Director. The SS director for USAW just had a meeting last week, and I wanted to share some of the information we went over. Coaches and club directors, please help spread the word to your clubs.

--> Clubs should visit to find the most recent version of the Safe Sport handbook

--> We need to clarify the definitions of "participant" and "regular contact." A PARTICIPANT is any member or license holder or employee of USA Wrestling, as well as adults in authority positions over athletes and parents / legal guardians of registered athletes. REGULAR CONTACT is "meaningful or direct contact which would be considered frequent, repeated, or consistent" (not including tournament score keepers, for example).

--> Who needs to complete Safe Sport training? It is the policy of USA Wrestling that all adult participants and applicable adults complete the training before regular contact with athletes or within the first 45 days of initial membership.

--> Any participant who has turned 17 as of August 31 MUST take the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention training. When these athletes try to purchase their membership, they should receive notification on this requirement from USA Wrestling. This is mandatory by the US Center for Safe Sport.

--> I've been asked to encourage clubs on the goal for 50% compliance regarding minor education -- all clubs must provide emails or flyers with this information at least 2 times this season. More info will be provided as I receive it from the national Safe Sport director.

--> No club will be allowed to renew their charters for the 2020-21 season unless they have proof of compliance with the 2 offerings this season.

Our goal is to get ‘buy in” from all clubs to embrace SS and not look at it as a burden of a policy. We're looking for a cultural shift in the sport of wrestling -- b educated, be aware, and report suspicious behavior.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I'll be sharing information as it comes down to me from nationals. I can be reached at

Gifted Teacher
Head Wrestling Coach, Louisburg High School
Director of Coaches Development, USAWKS