I can understand in some cases, when a wrestler has put allot of time, and training into being the best that he or she can be and loose by a bad call from a ref (which has happened). Or in a double OT match to move on to the next round. There are many instances I could mention in where at the end of a match ones feelings and emotions are running very high, and this is when you notice the class acts. The ones who congradulate the winner, and wish them well going into the next round, telling them to represent their district the best that they can. Than practicing harder, learning more so that next time the outcome may be different. Than you have the ones that cuss the Ref, throw their leg band, toss their head gear into the next County, yell at their coaches, refuse to shake hands, the list goes on and anyone who has been at these tournaments know what I mean. Is it the coaches fault (Only if its his child)or if these are the same childern that at practice are dirutive, or allways wanting to horse play. Most of this type of behavior starts at home, and will be trickeled down into anything most of these childern are involved in outside of wrestling. This topic could go many ways, but most of us know what needs done to eliminate this type of behavior.