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club/parents behavior at subs #2146 03/16/04 04:16 AM
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loud&proudmama Offline OP
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I'm curious if anyone that was attending the subs at Smokey Valley witnessed the behavior of some of the parents from the Russell club. I understand that all parents want our children to do well in this sport, and try to encourage them in all aspects of this sport, but I have a little problem with parents that go above and beyond just cheering for their child. When an entire club comes down to mat side to yell for a child, and I understand these are qualifying tournaments, but the rules state that only the coaches and wrestlers are to be down there. I guess that my problem lies in the fact that having an entire club at mat side is only distracting for the wrestlers themselves. It's one thing to be supportive of our children, but it's another thing to be down there to make another child feel intimidated because of the large crowd that is there to basically yell against them. Not only is this discouraging to the wrestler that is opposing this team, but it is very distracting for the coaches of both wrestlers. I even overheard other coaches from other clubs that were at the tournament, speaking about how inappropriate this behavior was. I don't know how anyone else feels on this situation, but would like some feedback. Remember, as it gets closer to state, we as parents, spectators, and friends won't be able to be down by the mats. Maybe we need to start staying further away from the mats, and allow our children to focus on what the coaches are telling them to do. It's hard enough for them to hear what they need to without all of the parents, teammates, and club supporters there chanting out their own opinions at them. My last issue has to do with parents making rude and outlandish comments about another child's parent. This is really uncalled for. Especially when the kids are the ones that hear these comments. We all need to remember, we are here for the kids, and we need to conduct ourselves in a better manner, because these kids hear and see what we do and say, and it affects them all more than we know. These kids may be in competition against one another, but more times than not, they produce good friendships that may last them a lifetime, and it would be sad if that was ruined because of a nasty, unneeded comment made by a parent. Besides, have any of the parents tried to get to know any of their child's parents that they compete against? You might be surprised...they may be really nice!

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2147 03/16/04 11:36 AM
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Besides, have any of the parents tried to get to know any of their child's parents that they compete against? You might be surprised...they may be really nice!

What a great statement! My own son has met many great new friends by visiting with his opponents off mat and looks forward to getting to see them again. As parents we have met many many great people, cheering with them, etc. My philosophy has always been to not be negative towards other teams/parents and NEVER towards a child, NEVER!

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2148 03/16/04 01:18 PM
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wrestlemom Offline
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Through the years of wrestling, we find ourselves now cheering for kids that once wrestled our son. It's great to watch all these kids, opponents or not, achieve. There are a lot of great people involved in this sport.

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2149 03/16/04 03:44 PM
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DJdad Offline
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The match being talked about was a rematch of a 3 time state qualifier from Buhler, and a first year kid from Russell. The Russell kid won in Hutch. It was on a corner mat, and fans from both teams were lined up along the wall and in the corner. Both clubs were super-charged, and one Buhler fan was tossed for being ON the mat, but I didn't hear anything negative at all being shouted. Last week, the Russell kid went up to his opponent after he won to tell him "great job" and was run off by an adult. I am a Russell parent and after the Russell kid won again, I was over patting the Buhler kid on the back before he got back to the stands. They are both great little wrestlers, and the matches have been fantastic. I think both clubs were cheering like crazy, but again- I didn't hear anything negative.

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2150 03/16/04 05:21 PM
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loud&proudmama Offline OP
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I would agree that all the parents and fans that were down by the mat side were energy charged. I don't have a problem with fans be supportive of a kid. My problem lies with the comments that are made by the parents, and overheard by the kids. The comment that was made, and overheard by some of the wrestlers was that this opponents mother was the "devil-mom," and that she would just love to get that "fat____ out on the mat herself." How nice! I bet your mom's proud of that mouth. Furthermore, after the match at Hutchinson, one of the Russell parents came up to the Buhler mom, directly after her son had lost, and had to ask "how many times has your son been to state?" That was an inappropriate time to talk to that mother. She was trying to console her own son, and didn't need to have somebody rubbing that loss in her/his face. That was when another parent told the wrestler that this isn't a good time to talk with the kid. For all of the parents that support their own kids, and extend that same support to kids from other clubs, I commend you for being the bigger person. All of these kids need to have positive figures in their lives, and constructive critcism isn't always taken as just that by kids. Think about what you say before you say it. Oh, by the way, that kid that was ejected was done so, not because he was ON the mat. His knee was barely touching it, and he was there watching, not even yelling. There was a situation between him, and an official, and basically a misunderstanding between the two of them. Because of the heat of the moment, tempers flared, and words were said. That's why he was ejected, and for no other reason. That entire situation was handled by the club director for that particular club.

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2151 03/16/04 07:26 PM
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RussellDad Offline
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I did attend the Smokey Valley Sub District. I am Chance Pitcock's Dad. He is a first year wrestler so we are new to this talk forum deal. If anyone was offended at the Sub Districts because of the Russell Team supporting their wrestlers I suppose I will apologize if necessary?
The match in question happened to be wrestled on mat 1 and that was Russell's corner for the day. Maybe it just seemed a little loud, the whole team was warming up in that corner all day. I know that both teams were really supporting their kids! I think that it is fantastic that parents get as involved as they do. As far as the words that were said...I will give my phone number and anyone needing to visit, feel free. I have never heard anyone from the Russell Team say anything to the nature of these posts. I can't believe that things like that are allowed to be posted. I am sure many kids read these too. It is not about us parents at all. It is kids wrestling.
The Russell team, the coaches and the parents are no different than any other team out there...they are terrific people supporting their kids. Going out of their way to make sure the kids have a good time.
What a shame that parents have to get on a talk forum and bash other people. It is about the kids 100%. Some of my sons closest friends at the tournaments are the kids that have beat him. I don't think I have ever heard a kid saying anything negative about any kids all year. Ya just don't hear it. Kids don't think that way, parents do. If our kids have negative feelings or feel anger towards other kids I would have to guess that it got put there.
One bad thing about the forum is that it is strictly opinions. Personally, I would never offer my opinion unless asked. Since someone asked, there it is.
Nothing negative was said at that match. Two kids wrestled a great match and both teams showed incredible support. How could it of been any better? Maybe someone was upset and maybe they thought they heard something. Who knows.
Dave Pitcock

Dave Pitcock
Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2152 03/16/04 09:01 PM
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dag Offline
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We set next to the Russell team and we didnt see a problem from them. I think it is great that the kids sit next to the mat to cheer on a teammate it teaches these kids sportsmanship.My son wrestled on mat one The reason there we a lot of us gathered around the mat because we as a team 5 of our wrestlers had 5 matches in a row.Sometimes you have to know the situation.

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2153 03/16/04 09:20 PM
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wrestlingmom Offline
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What age group are we talking about? 8 and under?

Sharon Henes
STA Wrestling - President Emeritus!
Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2154 03/16/04 10:19 PM
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Isn't it sad that someone would have to get on this forum and bash the Russell Wrestling Club after their success in Lindsborg last weekend. 18 out of 22 wrestlers placed and they displayed incredible sportsmanship with a tremendous support of Red Russell Wrestling Club Fans... what a growing and positive club they have. Negative News always sells... and anyone who could be negative the week that their children could be working towards qualifying for state has too much time on their hands. Let's focus on the positive and if their is a situation between parents... say it to their face not on a public forum. In my opinion this site should be for information not opinions. Nobody wins and argument... and even the 8 year olds pat each other on the back whether they are smiling or crying and they start focusing on the next match. I'm sure that Russell and Buhler will meet up this weekend... and you will be able to judge for yourself who the good and poor sports are. Being a new parent to this sport I have had a great time and made alot of "true" friends. There will always be someone negative trying to stir the pot. Nobody wins and argument, and I believe that someone should remove anything negative off of this forum ... especially when the "loud and Proud momma who started this discussion " put the words "fat" and Devil as a description for some poor little boy's mom. I hope he doesn't read this forum. I also hope that no parent would be that childish to call another parent a name over a "kids wrestling" match. Let's move on and finish out this season with the memories it deserves... the good ones.

And as far as singling out the "Russell" team... that wasn't very appropriate after the incredible leadership they have brought to the tournaments.

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2155 03/16/04 10:26 PM
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loud&proudmama Offline OP
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I am not writing on this forum to knock anyone, expecially the kids that wrestle. These are some of the best kids around. Most are very well behaved, and have good manners. Their values and morals are set at a much higher level than some. I don't have a problem with teammates down by the matside, but I do have a big problem with parents, that are not coaches, to be down there. They have no business there, and the tournament directors should have enforced this to a much greater degree. I was one of the many people down at the matside, but I also hold my coaches copper certification, and had my wrist band on the entire time. Please remember, I'm one of the loudest mother's you'll hear at a tournament, when my son is on the mat. I have a voice that could shatter glass. I am the first to say I can be very loud and crazy. Just look at my login name. As for what you think you know was said, I can tell you, you do not! Not only was that earlier comment made in front of two of the Buhler wrestlers, of high school age, it was made in front of myself. I did not misunderstand what was said. It was as plain as the nose on my face. I opted to not say anything, but after several days of consideration, I decided to log-on to this forum for feedback. I have nothing negative to say about any club, but just felt that these comments were inappropriate. I live to go see my son wrestle, and to watch the other kids in our club, along with the kids that my son has made friends with along the way. I also know what was going on along mat 1, I was sitting right there keeping score most of the day. In the time that I was not scoring, my spouse was. Please understand, this has nothing to do with the kids. It is solely the parents...isn't it always!! Too many parents are trying to live vicariously through their kids. Furthermore, I have nothing but great respect for the Russell coaches that I have come to know through this year, attending meetings with them, and just talking with them. Nice bunch of guys!!

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2156 03/17/04 02:12 AM
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loud&proudmama Offline OP
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Just a quick comment for the Russell Wrestling Club...my apologies if I have offended or insulted anyone from your club. Maybe I should have not put this initial comment on the forum page. My intentions were not to insult, embarrass, or upset anyone. I wish all of your kids the best of luck this weekend at the district tournament in Beloit. Thanks to those of you that responded to my initial entry. Again, to the Russell club, please except my apology if I have stepped on anyone's toes.

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2157 03/17/04 02:29 AM
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Just another Miller Offline
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I am from Russell and I personally know the people there. I haven't lived there for 15 years. In Russell everything is a community effort weather for one or all. Don't fault these people they perpare kids for life. Get a grip on what is all about.

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2158 03/17/04 12:51 PM
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ocwcdad Offline
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I was at the SV sub district tournament this past Saturday and saw all of the action from the mat and match in question. My son is first year wrestler in the 8 and under 55 lbs. bracket. He has wrestle both both Chance Pitcock and Javen Karber several times throughout the year. He wrestled the Russell boy the first match of the day. I will have to say I have seen nothing but positive sportsmanship from both Chance and the Russell fans. Chance approached Josh about an hour prior to their match and talked with him about working hard and wished him luck in going to district. My son has wrestled Javen three times this year and each time he has been a very good sport. I witnessed the match between Russell and Buhler on Saturday. The contestants and coaches show great effort and intensity. The Russel fans were very loud, but positive. The most accurate way to describe the situation is there was some poor sportsmanship displayed during this match but it was not by either wrestler, coaches, or the Russell fans.

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2159 03/17/04 03:43 PM
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Sooner Mom Offline
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Hopefully at Districts this weekend only those with wristbands will be allowed to be down at matside!!! It's a shame that all this has been blown out of proportion like this! As Jalen's mother, I want to wish everyone good luck this weekend!! There are some really tough kids in this age and weight and they all deserve to move on! Congratulations to those that have made it this far!

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2160 03/18/04 01:14 AM
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Spud Whitman Offline
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I am a big supporter of the Russell Wrestling club and have been to several of their wrestling matches. Every time that I go, I get more and more fired up about living in Russell Ks. I have never experienced such togetherness and team sportsmenship than I have seen with them. Yes Russell parents and fans are right there to cheer each other on, but I will have to say I have seen many many times our wrestlers sit on the side lines of other teams and cheer them on as well. I belive as parents we need to set a example, no one is against anyone, it is all kids trying to be the best that they can be, not who is better than who. I know alot of the parents pretty well, and I would never imagine anyone saying anything neg towards another team or team member. I overherd one parent say one thing, they were very worried about what team lighting was saying, and why they had it out for them personally. She left almost in tears, not because her son won, but because she did not like the tension that had been formed between the two teams. As a person looking in on the outside, I think this whole thing was a big misunderstanding, and I think everyone should go with the mind set that this is for the kids, and not a compation between the parents.
Good luck to all the kids that are going to dis, Know that they should be proud to even make it there. Parents, these kids need your support, this will be a very stressful time for alot of these kids for it is there first time there and they are going to need all the support that they can get. And remeber in the long run they all are winners.

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2161 03/18/04 03:25 AM
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loud&proudmama Offline OP
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I don't know what to say anymore about the entire situation. I said my peace, and I also apologized. There is not one person that I am aware of from Team Lightning that "has it out for the Russell club." I admit it, I opened a can of worms that I should of left closed, but the comment was made, and I'm sorry as I said last night about the entire situation. I think it should say something for Team Lightning, when we can get on a public forum and admit that we did wrong. We wish everyone the best of luck as they go into to this weekends competition. Not just in this age and weight, but in all of the divisions. There is a superb bunch of kids in all of these area's. It could easily go either way on any given day, depending on how that child is wrestling. Again, my apologies, and GOOD LUCK to all!!

Re: club/parents behavior at subs #2162 03/18/04 12:39 PM
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RichardDSalyer Offline
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Dear loud&proudmama:

At nearly every tournament, I am certain there are actions by parents and participants that many of us disagree with.

Many of us realize, in the excitement and heat of the moment, things may be said which are not appropriate. Many of us also also realize, that due to the circumstances of the situation, it is not necessary to complain about the issue on the wrestling talk forum.

Probably, it would be best to say NO more regarding the incident, and let it die! Your continued comments bump the topic up to the top of the page, and encourage others to comment.

I commend RussellDad and Sooner Mom for their handling of this difficult topic.

Richard D. Salyer

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