I don't think all coaches are cheaters. I do beleive that coaches pressure wrestlers to cut weight to fill a open weight on their teams. This may not be direct, spoken words to the kid but it is understood that if they want to wrestle they need to be a certain weight.
So whether the coaches are looking the other way during hydration testing & weigh-ins, or if they are encouraging wrestlers to cut weight excessively, in the end , the coaches are responsible for the behaviors that occur in their programs.
I believe matside weigh-ins would eliminate any doubt about a wrestlers true weight. Then we could see their true ability, being well hydrated and nourished, against an opponent at their true weight. Why would you need proof that there would not be any cheating with matside weigh-ins? The wrestlers could stand side-by-side and read each others scales! Good grief! Just wrestle your true, healthly, fit weight. You will be better conditoned, stronger,faster, and have more endurance.
And then we, as spectators, will be able to sit back and enjoy some great, great matches, and not have to feel sorry for the wrestler with their bones showing and dark cirles under their eyes wondering what they would look like if they were healthy.

Annette & FJ VanAnne