I agree with the comment from "Cyclone" about Kansas taking a step backward. The split tournaments is very regressive. The topic has addressed well the aspects of recruiting that hurts the Kansas kids.

I think the whole wrestling community suffers. The state tournament is kind of like a big convention were everybody gets together to see what's going on in wrestling. Having everything together promotes the sport. I think it should be a primary goal to promote and grow our sport. We should do every little thing we can to do this, and splitting up the tournaments is just breaking up the sport into little fiefdoms. Just curious, who was responsible for splitting off 4A. I like to see a name of the person responsible for taking Kanas wrestling backwards.

I've been to 4 other state tournaments, and all of them had every classification wrestling at the same site. Kansas is the only exception to having split sites. Also curious to see how many other states split their tournaments up. I'd assume not many. I've been to Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and Ohio. Overall atmosphere is more intense and bigger than Kansas. Sites of tourneys, with exception of Iowa,were held at the big state University (Mizzou, Univ of Neb, and Ohio State). I think this adds to the tournaments.
Level of wrestliing in Ohio is unbelievable and state does a lot of little things that make tournament better. They are very progressive in Ohio. I'll make a list in of suggestions in another post.

First thing Kansas should do is combine. I could be wrong but the economy of scale of having one tournament would make more money. It has to cost a lot more to rent 3 sites instead of 1.

K-State would be an awesome central location. They have the field house to do it. Maybe you have to go three days, but this would be the show, not just another tourmament.

"If pro is the opposite on con, then the opposite of progress is congress"