To get thousands show up to an individual state tournament if each school had a better following is great in theory, but completely unrealistic. Pittsburg Kansas, right by Missouri is not going to draw a large number of people to Salina over 4 hours away.
Nor is Eureka or Caney or probably someone like Burlington going to draw a large number out to Hayes. It is just unfeasable to think that the average fan is going to drive four or five ours to watch a 6 minute match or two. To watch the whole tournament would require a night in a hotel and meals, plus tickets so you are looking at a $200+ weekend. The average family isn't going to drop $200+ dollars for a high school wrestling event. That is completely unrealistic. A Grand state would be nice, but it doesn't help the development of the sport as a whole. Part of the reason many kids stay out is the belief and goal that they can make it to state and place or win it. I know the argument well they have to work harder yada-yada-yada, but some kids just aren't talented enough or have the resoursces to gain the development as many kids. I travel all over the country with wrestling so I completely understand the comittment it takes, to be a state champ. But not everyone plans on making a careere out of it. However, you still need those kids for the better development of the sport.

This is kind of a different topic to an extent, but a kid in Great Bend Kansas or even Coffeyville Kansas is at a significant developmental dissadvantage in terms of off-season preparation. Mainly because of resourse opportunities. For example, in the larger cities (wichita, Topeka, KC) there are large populations which allows for effective tournaments to be run. It is also easier to find people who run large clubs... such as Akins. Those opportunites aren't as available for kid in less populated areas and the state regulations restrict so many things that often those kids can't workout. It's not like a baskettball court down the street. Mats are expensive. So most kids need a school to wokout at. Well they have to be supervised and it can't be by a coach, so what does that leave for the kid. I am not saying it's doable, just saying it is much more difficult. I know that there are kids who go up to KC or Tulsa from Southeast Kansas to get workouts in during the off-season. They drive almost 2 hours each way just for practice. My point to this is that by having four state tournaments it gives more kids a chance for the feeling of accomplishment. Having a Grand State is simply for bragging rights. It would possibly help get some college coaches in, but I don't think it would make much more of a difference than the split.... as far as the elite kids.... cause those kids are probably going to Fargo.