tksnkc this is SmokeyKnowAll,

There are approximately 896 wrestlers in all 4 classes.
There are approximately 1,624 matches for all classes during the state tournaments that are currectly held. Using 6 mats there would be 271 matches per mat. Over 4 days that is 67.7 matches per mat per day. If the 4 classes are split(in to 2 classes) and seperated into 2 venues - well I'll let you do the math. Answering your questions above.

1) Number of kids going onto college for acedemics and wrestling?
Not enough
2) Have I ever asked any state champs about sharing the stage for the finals. The answer is Yes and they liked having them together. Sharing is a good thing.
3) BEST EXPERIENCE FOR THE KIDS! See my answer on #2
4) I do understand it is for the kids or I wouldn't have posted this in the first place.

Sean McCarthy
STA Kids Club

Last edited by smokeycabin; 03/06/07 06:37 PM.