Sorry for the delay, I have been away from my computer:

In an ideal situation it would be great for all of the state Tournaments to be at one location. But at this time I do not know of any facility large enough to hold all 4 tournaments. I agree with coachtwink about the atmosphere at the 3-2-1A and 4-5-6A Tournaments. I have coached in both of these. If you have never attended the 3-2-1A State Tournament in Hays in the past 10 years, I'm not sure I could explain how special it is. I have never had any of my athletes come away from the state tournament and tell me that they felt cheated because they did not get to compete with all the other classes. The number of fans that show up to cheer on their teams is outstanding. In fact the following are taken from the KSHSAA Activities Journal April 2006 page 28.
"Financial Results of Boy's State Wrestling Tournaments 2006"
Ticket Sales:
3-2-1A $44,522.00
4-A $36,760.00
5&6A $45,265.00

Profit after expenses:
3-2-1A $21,028.99
4-A $16,893.62
5&6A $5,715.87

After looking at these numbers which are facts published by the KSHSAA you can see that the 5A & 6A Tournament in Wichita are the least profitable for KSHSAA, even though they had the most ticket sales. The 3-2-1A Tourn. had almost as many fans attend to watch as the 5-A and 6-A Tournaments combined. The 4-A Tournament was only about $8,000 behind in ticket sales.
My point is this: The 3-2-1A and 4-A Tournaments are making a good profit for KSHSAA. I would guess that the 5-A & 6A Tournaments will not stay in Wichita much longer it is simply too expensive. And this has nothing to do with pleasing College Coaches.

I will check on the Nebraska state Tourn. and get some info. I know that in the past they would split the sessions, so only 2 classes were wrestling at any one time in the first day or so. Then they would all come together for the placing matches.