Im really tired of this subject. Every year it gets brought up and every year the status quo doesn't change. I respect Tony Purler and the competition that his club brings to the table. I however DO NOT care what he thinks about this subject. If thats what he feels than I better not see ONE of his kids and anyone who has attended his clinics show up at a kids wrestling tournament if they are in high school. I can't say that I know if they do or not, I'll check on that, but if they are/do/have in the past then that is as much discredit to his opinion as I need to bring up about it. I've said time and time again that the ONLY way you are going to get better is if you wrestling kids that are better than you.
As a middle school wrestler if all you want to do is continue wrestling the same kids you wrestled through your middle school season then you aren't going to improve yourself, and that is a fact that has proven itself over and over again. While I can say that I was one of those 8th graders who was able to compete with the 9th and even 10th graders, it was because of hard work and a willingness to wrestle against kids who were better than I. Every kid in USAWKS has the same opportunity as the ones that are older than they are. It's all cyclical when its your turn to be the 9th and 10th grader then you get your chance to shine. Not only do you wrestle the 8th graders but you wrestle other class mates. What I have also pointed out is that ALOT of kids DON'T like to wrestle freestyle. There have been a number of coaches on here arguing for the opposition who suggest these kids should "Do something else" Well maybe they don't want to. Maybe folkstyle appeals to them. Any GOOD high school coach would never tell their wrestler to turn down more competition when they get the chance. If this means an extra 4 weeks of folkstyle wrestling then so be it.
I've also seen people say we should have a seperate tournament for these kids. Ok fine I could live with that. But then what becomes the difference? Wouldn't that just mean an extended middle school season for that group, and an extended season for the high school group? The answer is YES. And the reason USAWKS won't do that is quite frankly cost and time. If the coaches who are opposed to the current system want to put up the cost and volunteers for such a tournament then I would have no problem supporting it. Its the old saying "Put up or shut up" Mr. Cokely are you willing to front a thousand or so dollars to establish and extra group in USAKS? Perhaps you could persuade Mr. Purler to do so? If this group of people who don't think its fair can come up with the added cost and volunteers then I will stand side by side with you, if not then its time to lay this issue to rest.
Most importantly lets let the ONLY people who's opinions truly matter on this make the decision ... and that is the kids themselves. The ones that want to compete are going to as they have for years. The ones that are afraid to continue in kids because they might have to wrestle someone who may/may not have advantages on them can choose not to compete. I know I did and never once thought about this stuff. I did it because I loved the sport and the competition. It never occured to me not to wrestle because someone else might be better than me. One of my coaches once told me "No matter how good you are, there is always going to be someone better. All you can do is work your hardest to put yourself one rung up the ladder at a time"
So all that being said, are their any one on here that has their checkbooks open right now? I seriously doubt I'll have many takers on this one.