The question as I understand it form the other thread, "Is it 'fair' for middle school wrestlers to wrestle high school kids in USAW Kansas Folk style?"
My two cents: Yes, as long as they wrestle in the established age groups set by USAW Kansas Kids. Yes there are exceptional cases where a 7th grade 13 year old could wrestle a 15 year old Sophomore, this is rare. The common case is 13-14 year old 8th Graders wreslting 14-15 year old freshman.
Had two 13 year old 8th grade boys that did just fine against 14-15 year old high school kids. Did they take some lumps (yes), did the give some out (yes). Their 8th grade year in USAW Kansas Folk style was a good transition experience for Cadet Freestyle in the summer and high-school wrestling in the fall.
Mike Flynn
P.S. On the college side: My older son Sean (18 yr freshman) did get the oppoutnity to battle it out with a couple of 23 year old 5th year Seniors. He never said it was "unfair", but he did say it "sucked". LOL