I apologize to everyone for the way that I worded this poll question. It should have been worded the way that Will and Vince suggested. It should have read "Should high schoolers be allowed to continue wrestling in the same age group as the 8th graders" In other words "should the system stay as the status quo" I wanted to go back and change it but this post can't be edited or deleted by me because I tried.
In any case my case was that I like the system the way it is now, and its my belief that most people here in Kansas do as well. I believe that many 8th graders who choose to wrestling after their season realize that yes they will have to wrestle a year at a disadvantage but that the following year they will be at the opposite end. I also made the case that the experience itself of wrestling someone better will be beneficial.
Finally I also noted that I would be VERY difficult to spawn yet another age group at the Kids State tournament. To have a division at Kids state just for high schoolers would possibly create not only more matches, but would extend out the tournament further than it already has. It would also in effect create another state tournament for the high schooler which would be somewhat neat since some of these high schooler don't get the chance to compete against each other at HS state because of the differences in HS classification.
So accept my apology on the wording of this post.