I don't really have a dog in the fight anymore since I am no longer coaching. The real important point here that drives all of this is that the Wichita site is a pig pen (or horse pen). It is now and has always been, aside from its size, the worst possible option. It is dirty, old, the people who work there could care less about the fans. From every angle I saw it, it was terrible. I don't think any of the major college sites are an option. Topeka is a great venue. There are a lot of us who would volunteer our time to help run it there. I sure would. It is a great building and has housed some great wrestling events in the past, ie: the national AAU and others. As for how much Johnson County people make, I am from western Kansas and live in Johnson County and I guess I missed the ship on all that big income :). Oh well maybe in the next life.