I won't mention names but someone forgot to bring the tar and feathers.
Don't want you thinking that I was trying to provide any tar and feathers, just responding to a post from Coach T. Jeremy did email me and let me know what was going on regarding his behalf and I responded with a lengthy email. I have a great deal of respect for Jeremy and the rest of the Biddle Family. They have without a doubt contributed to the betterment of Kansas wrestling and have a long tradition in helping our sport. I know that at the one meeting in question Jeremy had a very valid reason to not be there, there is a chance that others did as well.

I would have to be honest here and express some concern. Is what was posted by Richard Salyer true? By the way, which was made after my post and something I had no knowledge of. If it is true, I don’t personally see it as a tar and feathering as much as a statement of facts. If it is, then there are things that are apparent that we have to get under control in District 2. One of those is making sure that at State Board Meetings that we have appropriate representation there from those who represent us. I also realize that it is possible that there was not appropriate notification to those in the District that needed to be there. I don't know and will gladly plead ignorance on the situation. Clarification for those of us who live and are a part of District 2 are in order. I could comment further on Richard’s post and may well do so if clarification is given on the issues brought up in it.