You don't have to go to the State Board meetings to run the District. But if you want a say in the State rulings then you need to have your district represented to voice their opinion.

For years our District leaders have been trying to get District II people to volunteer to be on the State board so we can be better represented. For a few years now you have had Barry Disney as the State Treasurer, Loren Anthony Officials Representative and John Terrell (me) as a Club Representative and our then District leaders don't show up, so we end up have one or two opinions instead of seven?

I have a job and I also coach Wrestling, Football, Baseball & Softball. I am going year around yet I can still make my schedule work so I can make all the meetings. I don't understand why others miss every meeting? THIS IS BULL!!! (everyone allways has an excuse?) If you are going to commit to run an organization then you should be there ALL THE TIME!

This is my last year in wrestling; I am leaving to concentrate more on Baseball & Softball. So my position is up for grabs at the State meeting (Kansas Kids Executive Board & Corporate Board of Directors), It is a state voted position and the way District II is represented we will probably lose that position?

Like I said, you can run the District without going to the State meetings, but I think you should make sure whoever you vote into the District II positions will represent you at ALL the State Board meetings?