Originally posted by Coachjt:
You don't have to go to the State Board meetings to run the District. But if you want a say in the State rulings then you need to have your district represented to voice their opinion.
Coachjt, I am not disagreeing with your comment here, just giving my two cents because I think you make a lot of sense in the post itself. My concern is that the State Executive Board is the governing body for the district, in large part, and I personally don't know how we can have a strong district without strong representation at the State Executive Board meetings. Remember, we can talk about it being for the kids all we want but it is really about more than just the kids. Don't get me wrong, but coaches, clubs, mothers fathers, grandparents and the list goes on and on has dedicated time, effort, finances, blood and sweat to these kids. It is also about respecting those kids enough and those who are involved with them to give them the best opportunity possible. A part of that opportunity is being involved in the decisions on a state level that affect them.

I'm going to be real honest about this, not being at the last meeting and loosing out on a chance to bring the State Tournament to Wichita is almost unforgivable. You see, despite all of the controversy of the Wichita Venue, despite the wonderful Topeka Expo Center, this was an opportunity for those of us living in District 2 to save a lot of money, have our kids at home, and more importantly show off our kids to more of our family, friends and community due to the fact that the tournament would have been in our own back yard. I am also old fashioned enough to believe that any press coverage or opportunity to promote wrestling in our communities is good for our kids and clubs. My personal opinion is that if possible the tournament should be rotated, and if not possible then work for our district as much as possible to see that we get it when we can. Topeka has been a great host, and I look forward to going back, but I like having company at my house sometimes too.

I guess what I am saying, is that in my house, my son can make decisions that affect him, but he still lives in my house. I have worked to give the impression that it is not just my house, but also our families house. He has to be involved with the family to feel a part of that process. I just have serious concerns if our district has been involved enough to know if we are a part of the families house on a state level. Then again, what do I know? I just happen to live here and want the best for all of our kids, whether they be from, Derby, Maize, Winfield, Rose Hill or Hard Knox. You could throw in all of the other clubs there too. I have learned that the old saying about the friends you make from wrestling, you know, the enemy one moment you are mat side and the best of friends after the match, I have found that to be true, not just among wrestlers, but among parents and coaches as well. I can assure those asking that the meeting is on at the Derby Rec Center. I am even leaving church early to get there for it because I realize recognizing a problem, and opening your mouth, doing nothing, is different than seeing one and then acting on it.