Good evening everyone, I wanted to get this email out as quickly as possible. We have decided to postpone the CCWC Golf Challenge until Sunday, Sept. 30th. Due to my brother-in-laws girlfriend passing away this past Saturday of cancer. Her memorial service is being held in Houston, Texas this coming Saturday. There are several of Kevin Bull's close friends who are a part of our wrestling club family and who were to help with the golf tournament but are now also going to Texas.

I felt that this would be the right thing to do, so that we could have more of our Club Coaches at the tournament also. I know that there were several who weren't going to be able to be there this weekend.

So, with this being said PLEASE plan NOW to help the CLUB on Piotique weekend at either the Food Stand and/or the Golf Tournament. Feel free to put a team together for the tourney and help support YOUR child/children in their wrestling journey.

Feel free to call me or email me at any time with questions!!

Coach Michael Brownell
Clay County Wrestling Club
421 Frederick
Clay Center, KS. 67432