Personally, of all the tournaments classified as OPEN, I would like to see only 2 brackets for the specified weight. I think you would "seed" A wrestlers and then fill in the same bracket with the rest of the B wrestlers. 2nd bracket for the same weight I would think should be C wrestlers "seeded" and fill in with D wrestlers. That way the AB bracket should see really good wrestling and the CD bracket would give these guys a good shot at each other. Isn't D always a 1st year wrestler and I would see a C as a second year wrestler. Granted I've seen some pretty good second year kids, and you coaches know these kids are the ones who just have the knack and soak up the sport along with having the "attention span", and should slowly rate themselves as B wrestlers here and there at OPENS to see exactly where they are as far as there capability. I just hate to see 4 and 5 brackets at the same weight. Doesn't that just add more matches overall for the entire tournament? Not knocking any one tournament but recently seen where these brackets should have been combined within their own weight classes. I think some tournaments do a really good job and others see the A B C D rating and do as they please. Come on.