Will, I agree that local tournaments need to develope the kids and keep their interest. I don't think 5 different brackets is the way to go though. I think two and out in a C and D bracket is not asking too much, I mean they are wrestling C and D wrestlers.
Pelland, I don't have that kind of money or time...sorry I will not be sending any that way. I do hit as many of the big tournaments as we can though.
2Coach, too late I already coach a kids club. We have several C and D wrestlers and I work with them ALOT. The coaches and parents reactions to a win or a loss influences a kid more than the actual win or a loss. I have no problem if my C or D goes two and out in a CD bracket. I do have a problem with a D wrestler getting a 4th place medal in a four man round robin. That's a slap in the face...you got last here is your medal.