For those at the church service on Sunday morning you know I made mention of the cost of the tournament, and the love from someone to pay for everything. $47 entry fee, $20 coaching fee or admission fee, (for entire tournament), concessions, parking fee $7 a pop each time, and I could go on. That all said, Liberty was worth it to us.

Bill Gossett runs a first class tournament; the competition and the time involved make it worth it to me. There are certain expenses, and certain tournaments that cost more, the older your kid gets, the more you know this. We pick and choose as a family and truths is, wish we had been in Salina this weekend, but we weren’t; we never hesitated to be at Liberty because we learned over the years it is one of the top tournaments in the nation for competition and has become so for organization.

I know this is going to sound terrible, but we used to wrestle for awards, I know many still do. For those where this is the most important thing, get in contact with me privately because we have boxes of awards that we have in the garage that we will make available to you at a reasonable cost for the right kid, heck for some kids we may even give you some of those. As to the Liberty award, it will be one of those displayed, not because of the quality of the award, but what it stands for.

Beeson, Coach Craig, you know you are two of my favorite people, hands down, no doubt about it. I disagree on this one. Maybe over a beverage or round of golf we can talk about it and have fun. But as my son has gotten older, I have learned, it really is about wrestling the best and for us Liberty provided a wonderful opportunity and I am grateful. We made a mini vacation out of it, stayed at the River Walk district. Heck the only thing I was disappointed in over the weekend was Gates BBQ, by and far the worst BBQ I have ever had, the meal cost me $47, we ate virtually none of it, and gave the rest to a homeless guy on Friday night. Now Gates BBQ was something to complain about, the tournament and the Cheesecake Factory, that was worth every penny to us.

Last edited by Mike Furches; 02/26/08 11:01 PM. Reason: correction