Will, first if we had more supporters like you that keep the pulse of wrestling alive in your state and your community than that would greatly help the sport.

You did miss a few and a few more are 8th graders right now. The topic is awesome though.

There are a few that I used to take with me to tournaments and with time their parents have separated or moved away and that wasn�t the kid or the sports fault.

At least one is injured right now but still wrestling.

Wrestling is a tough sport mentally and physically. My son took a few years off to play basketball. I thought if he liked wrestling then he would come back to the sport. Having fun is very important. Letting the athlete make there on decision is important.

It is great to look back. This year that you selected my son just happened to make the All Star Team for the World of Wrestling, along with other Kansas wrestlers in almost every age group. My son also has never been to one Freestyle or Greco practice because when it's baseball season that's what he chooses to complete in. (That was a fun year) http://www.worldofwrestling-roller.com/allstar01/allu8-01.html

I love wrestling more than any sport but have still supported the idea of letting him do whatever sport he would like to try.

Will, keep up the good work to promote the sport of wrestling. I wish I lived closer to your area. I hear so much about your "wrestling barn" no doubt we would visit.