I think I have to agree that my own experience in Kansas wrestling as been like one big ol weekend to weekend family. I have to say that Kim Lovvorn I agree with your great post and Tristan loves to look for Lucas as much as he looks for Tristan. I have come to know a group of kids my son Tristan Star has wrestled for the last few years and now cheer for them passionatly every time they step on the mat. It was only a few years ago when Tristan was battling Lucas Lovvorn, Garret Dunlap, Tyler Harris, Taylor Watkins, Sam Carver, and Andrew Blanton every weekend and they were always going back and fourth. Through them I have met there parents and now love to stop and chat and cheer them on at every tourney. It was a great joy this state tourney when some of these kids were called out in the stoplight for the finals one after the other! I kept my camera rolling while cheering just as loud as if they were my own son. This year we have come to meet some new kids, Justin Rieschick and Willy Diekman along with their awsome parents. Tristan battled with them all year long and again great relationships were formed not only between the kids on the mat but also the parents matside! Our wrestling family just keeps growing with every season!

With the job I work and KU making the final four my chance of getting my son to the Brute Nationals and even coaching him in the finals almost didn't happen! Alan Clothier's mother Becky snatched him up and got him to the tourney. And all though I was able to make the start of the tourney with a few minutes, Willy's dad Kurt was ready to jump in and coach Tristan with out hesitating! To you both I thank you. This is why I totally disagree with wrestling not being a family anymore. To me it hasn't changed from when I stepped on the mat for 4th grade 80 lbs back in 1984 in North Dakota! In our Native American language there is no word for "goodbye" and so we always say "I'll see you later!" It has been another fun season. So to my old and new wrestling family, "Me and Tristan will see you later!"

Bronson Star

B. Star
Lawrence, KS
Sunflower Kids Wrestling Club
"Rivals on the mat, friends in life"