Congrats to Lucas Lovvorn 5th grade 85lbs 1st Placer (Kansas)
(2nd year to take 1st at Brute!!)
and to
Drake Lovvorn 9th Grade 133lbs 5th Placer...(Kansas)
also their team mates
Tyler Hughes 6th place 9th grade 155 (Kansas)
Andrew Rieschick 1st Placer 6th grade Hwt (Kansas)
Justin Rieschick 3rd Place 4th Grade (Kansas)
Tanner Ogden 5th place 7th grade (Kansas)
Kyle White 6th place 9th grade (Kansas)
and for those just out of placing ...Justin Pool, Dennis DeVader and Jessie Gibbens ...Great Job! (Sorry ...if I left anyone out!)