ok so now where does this years bishop carroll team fit in. whats the highest national ranking any team from kansas has had. i work with a guy from emporia and he says back in the early to mid 80's emporia was nationally ranked. i remember watching them when i was in gradeschool but dont remember just how good they were. glad there is such an interest in all this. its kinda glad that I can actually be a civilized person and not rant and rave about the 6 and unders. so its a good change of topic. thank you guys for giving your input in all this. i have a passion for wrestling and it grows everytime i am on here. I just hope my son continues to enjoy the sport like I did and he is already got more than what I ever had growing up in the sport. I came from a family that really didnt come and watch me and I just want to be there for all my kids.