It really must have been in the air this week, my son also came home telling me how he was getting picked on by another kid twice his size and when the kid pushed him from behind he had enough and decided to take the kid down with a head and arm. He then said he crossed faced the kid hard enough to make his nose bleed and when everyone in the gym (track practice was getting ready to start) started oohing and ahhing he realized he had better let the kid go. He was not seen by an adult so there were no punishments handed out at school and I also didn't hand any out at home. I have always told my kids they were allowed to defend themselves but once the situation is calm they must let go and walk away. Being on the small side my son is always getting picked on usually just ignores them, but I guess this kid has been really pickin at him and pushing him around for weeks now so he had enough and decided to end it. Seems to be the week for self defense fights. lol