This was truly dominant as Team Kansas throttled Team Georgia! We won 9 in a row ... from 98 thru 152!

Kansas vs Georgia

Match Summary KS GA
84 Jace Roy 83.7 (Kansas) over Unknown (Unattached) Forf 5.00 0
91 Austin Trott 90.3 (Georgia) over Tommy Williams 90.4 Right elbow (Kansas) Dec 4-3,8-1 1 3.00
98 Zack Vesta 97.8 (Kansas) over Alex Underwood 97.3 (Georgia) Pin 3-6,6-0,0:24 5.00 0
105 Clint Solis 104.8 (Kansas) over Christopher Starnes 103.7 (Georgia) Pin 6-0,0:45 5.00 0
112 Mario Carado 112.0 (Kansas) over Jonathan Herrera 110.9 (Georgia) Dec 5-0,2-1 3.00 1
119 Brandon Charbonneau 118.8 (Kansas) over Adam Wilson 117.3 (Georgia) Dec 7-0,6-2 3.00 1
125 Daniel DeShazer 118.9 (Kansas) over Acton Pifer 123.8 (Georgia) Dec 3-0,1-0 3.00 0
130 Bryce Hood 129.7 (Kansas) over Joey Denova 129.2 (Georgia) Dec 1-3,1-1,1-0 3.00 1
135 Cody Shavlik 134.9 (Kansas) over Dexter Bushart 132.3 (Georgia) Pin 1:56 5.00 0
140 Chase Sanchez 139.2 (Kansas) over Ricky Oskey 138.4 (Georgia) Dec 6-0,3-1 3.00 1
145 Patrick Cervantes 144.2 (Kansas) over Jason Wilde 143.0 (Georgia) TF 7-1,7-0 4.00 1
152 Tyler Baughman 151.0 (Kansas) over Shane Hughes 151.3 (Georgia) Pin 1:21 5.00 0
160 Joe Pittman 157.9 (Georgia) over Jake Akin 159.2 (Kansas) Dec 3-0,4-0 0 3.00
171 Brian Dopson 169.9 (Georgia) over Matt McKinnis 159.4 (Kansas) TF 7-0,6-0 0 4.00
189 Boomer Mays 183.9 (Kansas) over Unknown (Unattached) Forf 5.00 0
215 Joe Hinchman 213.4 (Georgia) over Leo Beck 213.1 (Kansas) Dec 2-0,3-1 1 3.00
285 Lucas Vincent 261.4 (Kansas) over Christopher King 235.8 (Georgia) Pin 0:26 5.00 0
Dual Meet Score 56.0 18.0

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant