As was the case in Greco Thursday, we started the match with no fire whatsoever. Previously we found some steam ... today we did not. Team Kansas lost to Team Minnesota 2. Fortunately, if we beat a very good New Jersey team, the way I have it figured, we will still be in the Champions bracket. If we don't ... tomorrow we will be in the consolation rounds!

Team Kansas needs to find some energy, it's been a long day, but we can do it!!

Match #6 Round 6: Minnesota 2 defeated Kansas 41-33
84 - Jace Roy 83.7 (Kansas) over Unknown (Unattached) Forf
91 - Angel Morales 91.0 Left shoulder (Minnesota 2) over Tommy Williams 90.4 Right elbow (Kansas) Dec 6-4,4-0
98 - Mike Fuenffinger 97.8 (Minnesota 2) over Riley Hunsicker 98.0 (Kansas) TF 6-0,7-0
105 - Joey Munos 105.0 Right shoulder (Minnesota 2) over Clint Solis 104.8 (Kansas) Pin 3-2,1:11
112 - Mario Carado 112.0 (Kansas) over R J Hallman 111.4 L arm & tricep (Minnesota 2) TF 8-2,8-0
119 - Daniel DeShazer 118.9 (Kansas) over Zach Friederichs 118.9 (Minnesota 2) Dec 9-0,3-0
125 - Clint Poster 124.7 (Minnesota 2) over Brandon Charbonneau 118.8 (Kansas) Dec 1-2,1-1,1-0
130 - Tyler Mergen 129.6 (Minnesota 2) over Parker Madl 129.9 (Kansas) Dec 4-0,3-1
135 - Shawn Hatlestad 133.2 (Minnesota 2) over Bryce Hood 129.7 (Kansas) Pin 1-1,1-1,0:50
140 - Taylor Menke 135.0 (Minnesota 2) over Cody Shavlik 134.9 (Kansas) Dec 3-1,4-0
145 - Patrick Cervantes 144.2 (Kansas) over Dan Cox 144.2 (Minnesota 2) Dec 1-0,2-1
152 - Chase Nelson 151.0 (Kansas) over William Baker 151.7 (Minnesota 2) Pin 6-0,1:10
160 - Tyler Thomas 157.9 (Minnesota 2) over Jake Akin 159.2 (Kansas) Pin 1:57
171 - Devon Keith 170.3 (Kansas) over Taylor Neaton 170.8 (Minnesota 2) Dec 2-6,6-4,4-0
189 - Zach Rutt 170.4 (Minnesota 2) over Boomer Mays 183.9 (Kansas) TF 6-0,6-0
215 - Jake Kuisle 203.9 (Minnesota 2) over Leo Beck 213.1 (Kansas) Dec 1-0,1-1
285 - John Denner 242.2 (Kansas) over Unknown (Unattached) Forf

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant