I would guess that it would not surprise too many folks if Kyle Detmer (Bishop Carroll Senior, wrestled 154 lbs during the 2007/2008 season)also winds up somewhere in the national rankings during the course of the next season.

As an aside: I, perhaps naively, presume that any wrestler who chooses, or - for financial (or other) reasons - can not, or will not - participate in "national caliber", off-season, wrestling competition, will likely find himself in a decided disadvantage - when any national rankings eventually come out.

This supposition has always caused me to remain grossly skeptical and/or cynical of any "national" rankings - I think that we all know that it's hard enough to "rank" our own Kansas wrestlers, let alone attempt to "stack up" all of the wrestlers in the nation, at any given weight - and it's a given that participation in "nationally recognized" competition,requires a considerable financial investments (and, in some instances an investment of "time", which we, as parents,are not (or can not) give - which understandably will almost certainly prevent many outstanding (and otherwise deserving) wrestlers from competing (thus making their mark) on a national level.

With this said, I nonetheless believe that it is quite an honor for any Kansas wrestler to receive any national mention or recognition. Kudos to any Kansas wrestler representing our state in these positive regards