Well done young Saint! 8 lousy points. That's two locked-hands, one fleeing the mat, a four point near-fall after a loud scream and an unsportsmanlike from tying the match!
It was a great time. Thanks to Klint for getting us all together!
That was actually a very competitive championship final. I was concerned for Jacob's chances going into last night's game since I had seen how well Grant had done against the Bears in their first game scoring 20 fantasy points. I knew from that game that he was capable of scoring 23 for you to pull off the win. I was really concerned when I saw that he had 12 first half points after scoring that touchdown before half. Jacob told me though that he would be okay as long as he did not score another touchdown. Anyway it was a lot of fun. Jacob and I enjoyed each week seeing if we could win that week's game.
Jacob and I also want to thank Klint for organizing the leagues and for all the other participants for playing in the league this year.
Just as a warning to all of you. The All Talk Nowak team will be going immediately into off season training and we plan to win it all next year!