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Who is Sportsfan02??? #130805 08/18/08 11:51 PM
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Cokeley Offline OP
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I will offer a $100 reward/donation to the club who unmasks this coward. If it is not Greg Boucher or if it is would someone just please confirm so that I can have a meaningful face-to-face conversation with my antagonist.

Will Cokeley
Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: Cokeley] #130820 08/19/08 12:57 PM
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master blaster Offline
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How big a boy are ya? Seriously I think I've seen that same screen name on a another site, good chance this person might be from wichita area.

Last edited by master blaster; 08/19/08 01:00 PM.

Who run Bartertown!
Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: master blaster] #130823 08/19/08 03:07 PM
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Cokeley Offline OP
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Well, lets just say, like most guys in their 40's, I am a bigger ole boy than I want to be. smile I was told he was from Augusta but neither he nor any other Augusta inhabitants have verified that information.

Last edited by Cokeley; 08/20/08 02:04 PM.

Will Cokeley
Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: Cokeley] #130832 08/19/08 08:37 PM
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Mike Furches Offline
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Will, maybe you and I can move to the same place since Sportsfan02 has challenged us both to leave Kansas. I have had two individuals tell me who sportsfan02 is and after a little research believe them. I won't violate their confidence but will say, I will add another $50 to your reward offer for them to come forward. Frankly, for one, I am tired of this individual telling people to leave Kansas. See my post on the HS thread for more of my thoughts on this individual.

BTW I have stayed out of conversation with this person for some time, but after seeing their comment this afternoon telling you to MOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE from Kansas, I thought someone else who had experienced this behavior from this person needed to speak out. Moderators, and forum administrators. I challenge, our rules are clear as to posting negative comments about another person and not posting your name when doing so. Why are exceptions continually made for Sportsfan02 on this posting policy? I don’t care how much he is involved in our state body meetings, if the rules aren’t for everyone then what good are they?

Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: Mike Furches] #130835 08/20/08 12:46 AM
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J. Dale Offline
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any person that wants to call someone out and not have the guts to leave his name is a punk &%$@*. There you go sportsfag.
Jerry Dale

Well you're just a special kind of stupid aren't you?
Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: J. Dale] #130837 08/20/08 12:54 AM
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Chief Renegade Offline
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Another good post Mike. Candid straight talk!

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12

Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: Chief Renegade] #130849 08/20/08 12:46 PM
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Maybe Sportsfan02 should move to timbucktu...I know alot of people who would be very happy...I'd throw a party!!!

Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: Queen Pin] #130850 08/20/08 02:09 PM
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rjohnson Offline
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Sportsfan02 has never asked me to move, nor has he ever bad talked me on this forum. But I don't care much for name callers that have all the answers "at least they think so in their own little minds" who does not have the guts to come out of the closet. I bet when he was young(who ever he or she may be) was the kid on the block that named called, and threw rocks than ran and hid behind his mommy's skirt.

I will throw in another $50.00 maybe if we all pitch in a little they who know him will throw him on Wills door step. Let me know where to send the check.

RULE: Is the principle governing conduct - authoritative principles set forth to guide behavior or action. So is there rules are selective policies on the forum?

Ronnie Johnson

Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: rjohnson] #130851 08/20/08 03:08 PM
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Mike Furches Offline
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Originally Posted By: rjohnson

RULE: Is the principle governing conduct - authoritative principles set forth to guide behavior or action. So is there rules are selective policies on the forum?

Ronnie Johnson

per copy of the sign up board for membership to Kansas Wrestling Forums, which all members have to check on as to agreement when joining this board. It states rules so I believe it is a "rule" not a selective policy, hopefully the rules, just as we wish for in a wrestling match, are applied fairly.

Originally Posted By: forum agreement
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There are just two basic rules that are necessary to keep in mind. First, remember that this is a family oriented forum, and is regularly viewed by young wrestlers. Second, "cheap shots" will not be tolerated. If you are going to post a message critical of an individual, group or idea, you must give your true name and/or email address. Be willing to stand behind your comments, or keep them to yourself.

Comments regarding this policy may be directed to Mike Juby at mikejuby@usawks.com.

Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: sportsfan02] #130854 08/20/08 03:51 PM
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RichardDSalyer Offline
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While I am not sportsfan02 I will become Sportsfan02.

I will accept Cokeley's Franklin and a Ulysses S. Grant from Furches and Johnson.

Please send the aforementioned currencies to:
Salyer Farm John Deere Equipment Repair Fund
Rt. 1, Box 5BD
Towanda, Kansas 67144

Richard D. Salyer
Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: sportsfan02] #130855 08/20/08 03:51 PM
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Mike Furches Offline
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selective memory Greg, I think you are getting older. As to your true colors, you have shown them many times. As to saying I wouldn't delete a thread, wrong answer again, I said why I hadn't up to that point deleted a thread but just like you to throw out a strawman argument you stray from the facts. I would also recommend you read the last sentence of that agreement, which you are and have been in violation of.

How about responding to a number of other questions, go ahead and tell folks who you are, Greg Boucher is the answer, I just don't know why you are afraid to admit it.

Of course you also get other things wrong, to assume that the user policy was created by me is a LIE and flatly not true. What is true, is I have made effort to contact you via PM which you refuse to respond to where I directly call you a liar, coward and call you guilty of distorting the truth. Your claim that the policy was created for any reason related to me is a total farse and lie, are you so dillusional that you actually think that?. It does continue to be obvious though, you won't even admit you are not Greg Boucher, that gives reliability that you are. The only reason your personal attack against me has not been deleted is because I think people need to see how big a liar you are. Of course the difference between my post and edit here is that my name is attached, I allowed your post ot remain, only because it is related to me. Then again, you have ignored all of the other comments of people toward you, I think that is selective memory.

Last edited by Mike Furches; 08/21/08 08:56 PM. Reason: to respond ot lies and accusations
Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: RichardDSalyer] #130856 08/20/08 03:55 PM
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Mike Furches Offline
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Originally Posted By: RichardDSalyer
While I am not sportsfan02 I will become Sportsfan02.

I will accept Cokeley's Franklin and a Ulysses S. Grant from Furches and Johnson.

Please send the aforementioned currencies to:
Salyer Farm John Deere Equipment Repair Fund
Rt. 1, Box 5BD
Towanda, Kansas 67144

Richard, you know you and I have had disagreements in the past, that said, I respect you because you own up to who you are. Now as to the funds, with the cost of diesel and gas as of late, I suspect that extra repair fund is appropriate, now of course if you want to validate and give evidence of what you may know about who Sportsfan02 really is I will be glad to send that $50, in fact will be in the mail today.

Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: Mike Furches] #130857 08/20/08 04:00 PM
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Chief Renegade Offline
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Regardless of your interpretation of the forum agreement, you have to at least agree that your anonymity lacks courage.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12

Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: Mike Furches] #130858 08/20/08 05:50 PM
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RichardDSalyer Offline
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Originally Posted By: Mike Furches
Richard, you know you and I have had disagreements in the past, that said, I respect you because you own up to who you are. Now as to the funds, with the cost of diesel and gas as of late, I suspect that extra repair fund is appropriate, now of course if you want to validate and give evidence of what you may know about who Sportsfan02 really is I will be glad to send that $50, in fact will be in the mail today.


The difference is in the spelling!

The bounty is for the identification of Sportsfan02 while the member is sportsfan02.

As you know, we have many different personalities (pseudonyms) on the Talk Forum, and the spelling of the pseudonym is what identifies us.

Richard D. Salyer
Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: RichardDSalyer] #130859 08/20/08 06:41 PM
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Cokeley Offline OP
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If you need a $100 from me how about making your farm a weekend dude ranch for wrestling dads. You could make us pay $100, give us the Bronze Card Clinic, and assign us with various farm chores. Do you have a bunkhouse? I personally would like to get in on some branding! Lets invite sportsfan02 to that weekend and I will pay his way!

Will Cokeley
Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: Cokeley] #130860 08/20/08 07:18 PM
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LancerLou Offline
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I think you should all just let it drop and ignore the guy. I am sure he gets a big kick out of all the brouhaha. Don't give him the attention he craves. Just a mom's view.

Lou Ann Baker

Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: LancerLou] #130862 08/20/08 08:23 PM
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I am having WAY too much fun to drop it. I ignored him for two years and he never went away. Pull up his profile and review all of his posts. One way or the other he will come out at this year's state body meeting! smile

Will Cokeley
Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: Cokeley] #130864 08/20/08 11:57 PM
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Cokeley Offline OP
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It looks like sport0 must be a bit of a hypocrite! sport0twoface, maybe you should practice what you preach!

Thanks for the tip Dynomite!

Re: Creditbility

Registered: October 21, 2002
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Loc: Kansas As bad as I hate to admit it, Nigel may have hit on something here! That being, public ridicule for public misbehavior.
Our sport being less popular than some other sports, mostly those played with a ball of some type, must do things that those other sports don't in order to be successful and grow. We as fans/supporters have to out work our opponents (see the "bb" word), just to keep up. We have for instance a youth organization that is much more developed and run in an orderly fashion than any other organization. Some are beginning to catch up but still have miles to go. Try finding a youth web page and message board for some other sport.
So, why not take our sport to the next level? One which tolerates no unsportsmanlike conduct from adults or athletes alike. No matter how bad the officiating or any other excuse, we do not tolerate bad sportsmanship. I have a personal policy that I don't talk about athletes in the first person in a negative light. Regardless if they're kids, high school or college age. But I can see where public ridicule within certain guidelines might be of benefit to curb the problem.
I would suggest that some rules be established in order to maintain the credibility of the ridicule.
1. Just a recommendation but I would prefer we start with coaches/parents first. Then if the problem persists we can discuss the wrestlers.
2. Eye witness accounts only. No, he said she said, stories.
3. If you choose to use the name of the individual, you better make sure you are correct as to the person in question.
4. No embellishment of the incident. Just the facts please.
5. You must be willing to attach your name and club affiliation to your post.
Possibly there are others that I have missed. Your thoughts please.

Will Cokeley
Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: sportsfan02] #130871 08/21/08 11:04 AM
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Brett Shoffner Offline
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I don't particularly care about what you guys' personal problems are with each other, however, I can say that you both are starting to look like bafoons. The ENTIRE WORLD can see what you have typed when you hit that send button. Act like the grown men that you are and get over whatever it is!

Just an observation from the gallery.

Re: Who is Sportsfan02??? [Re: Brett Shoffner] #130875 08/21/08 05:49 PM
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PatrickCavanaugh Offline
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or....... keep it up, some of us are enjoying this. But then again, some of us still laugh at fart jokes!

Last edited by PatrickCavanaugh; 08/21/08 05:50 PM.

Patrick Cavanaugh
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