My personal style of calling a match is that if I feel a wrestler throws or applies a hold/move to gain an advantageous position, then there's nothing wrong with how "hard" it is thrown or applied.

If a wrestler throws a crossface and winds up from the parking lot and isn't attempting the ward off a takedown or turning the crossface into a cradle/turk/etc. then I'd verbally say "watch it" and if they go to it again, call them for unnecessary roughness and award their opponent a penalty point and recovery time, if needed.

I'd agree with Crossface, wrestling is a tough sport, but there are those wrestlers that cross the line and become dirty.

If this truly is a dirty wrestler, then the opposing coach can always approach the official(s) before the contest and convey their concern. Unfortunately for a lot of people, our judgement is what drives our calls, in situations like this, and the wrestlers, coaches and parents just have to live with it.

Shane Koranda
Towanda, Ks.