I hear what you're saying oldfan, but I guess I'm giving them the benefit of them thinking it was "ok" and I'm just letting them know I think it wasn't and they better not do it again or I'll hit 'em for unecessary roughness. Call preventative officiating if you will.

If they do it and it causes an injury the first time, I'd hit them for sure, but I was going at it from the angle where it could be "borderline" and I'm just letting them know what my take on it was and will be if done again.

Once again, as you say, it is difficult to ref it, and refs vary! I like physical or "tougher" wrestling them some of my official brethren, but that doesn't make me better or worse then them, unless you like or dislike that level of physicalness (is that a word? smirk )

Shane Koranda
Towanda, Ks.